Monday, December 30, 2019
Rise of the Remnant
So, I recently...along with millions of other people...watched the latest Star Wars film, "The Rise of Skywalker." As someone who at 15 years old fell in love with Han Solo and was enraptured by the Princess Leia and Han Solo love affair, I adored the last film.
While it fulfilled many sentimental fond memories, the film also inspired a prophetic Biblical message for 2020. The Star Wars films can always be viewed as having a Biblical message of good verses evil and the force being representative of the Holy Spirit, yet to me this film spoke of the prophetic battle that is raging in the world during these Last Days.
In these Last Days, it does seem as though evil is triumphing and multiplying. The evil empire is growing and recruiting blind followers who wear masks and are attempting to extinguish the Light. The good guys who have fought the good fight are dying off. Even those who are empowered by the "light force" are dwindling down. The pull of the dark side is enticing many to turn from The Way to the path of least resistance.
There is a scene at the end of the film when the evil Emperor Palpatine is attempting to sway Rey to the dark side, and in the crowd of this huge arena are all of his followers. They are shrouded in darkness, with hoods over their faces, and the are the silent majority that has been deceived by the power of the dark side.
Rey stands alone against him. And Emperor Palpatine says, "I am every Sith that has ever lived." And, as I'm watching this scene play out, I realize that he is fictionally representing what the Anti-Christ will say during his reign during the seven years of Tribulation. He will be empowered by the dark force, which is Satan, and he will represent every anti-christ that has come before him, from Antiochus IV Epiphanes to Hitler to those in power today who use their money and influence to push their globalist agenda. And when you look at the fictional character of Palpatine, whose face is contorted by evil, it's not a stretch to say that many in power today who are plotting to destroy nations resemble him in appearance and deed because their faces are contorted by the spirit of the anti-christ in them.
Just when you think that Palpatine is going to win, Rey replies, "And I am every Jedi." With the encouragement of all the Jedi's who have died fighting the good fight, she rises up to defeat the dark side.
The prophetic message I received while watching this scene is that God is raising up a remnant of Believers from His church. Who are the remnant? It's like that line in the movie, when all of these ships show up at the end to fight the First Order, General Pryde says, "Who is this army?" And, a soldier replies, "It's just people." That is the REMNANT!!
It was "just people" from all over the universe who heard the cry for help and responded, who decided it was worth it all to fight against the evil First Order. In the Bible, it says that the Anti-Christ will not be revealed until The Restrainer is taken away. The Restrainer is the Remnant. What is restraining the Anti-Christ from being revealed in this moment is a Holy Spirit filled Remnant of Believers. Just people all over the world who are willing to lay it all down for Jesus and to fight the One World Order. When Rey says, "And I am every Jedi." I pictured us, God's Remnant" saying, "We represent every Believer who has lived and died for Christ." We are using the Holy Spirit Force to push back against the Anti-Christ spirit that is pushing this One World Order system on the nations of the world.
Sometimes, we are going to feel like Rey, not sure if we can do it. Not sure if our past history makes us unworthy to be part of the Remnant. Sometimes we are going to feel tired of the fight. Sometimes, the fight against the enemy is going to take us to the point of near death, where it seems easier to just give in and stay down. But, just when it looks like we are down for the count, God sends another Holy Spirit Believer to breath life into us again. They will help us back up and we will partner together to fight the good fight until the end.
2020 is just around the corner. 2020 is going to be a spiritual battle of galactic proportions because the Anti-Christ spirit is raging against anyone who stands for nationalism, Israel, and Bible believing and following Christians. It's sad that I even have to make a distinction between Christians, but many are falling away from the faith. Many call themselves Christians but over 70 percent of people who call themselves Christians do not believe the Bible is the Word of God. So, God is sifting the church to see who are wheat (Spirit-filled/Bible Believing Christians) and who are tares (lukewarm). Just like when God reduced Gideon's army from 32,000 to 300 men, so that Israel would know that it was God who provided the victory, God will use a Remnant in these Last Days. It's all throughout scripture, the Parable of the Ten Bridesmaids, only 5 where ready, watching, and Spirit-filled. The 144,000 Spirit-filled men of Israel who God will seal in the Tribulation to share the Gospel in those 7 years. God always saves and uses a Remnant - Noah and his family, Lot and his daughters, 2 out of the 12 spies, etc. etc.
So, in 2020 it will be the Rise of the Remnant. Will you be part of God's Remnant?
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Me, The Center of the Universe
Meet Me. Me is the center of the universe.
Me believes the world revolves around his needs, wants, and emotions.Sound like anyone you know?
I think we all know a Me.
Goodness, some of us may even be a Me!
As an early childhood educator, I have encountered many MEs in my classroom, which is developmentally appropriate for young preschoolers. Most young children socially develop and learn to share, care, and think of others. Every once in a while, I will encounter a child who cannot seem to see outside of their own universe. They are so focused on self that they have difficulty making friends and progressing in their social skills. This usually happens when parents have made their home child centered, meaning the child is the captain of the ship at home. When parents don't partner with teachers to teach their children humility, we see little to no progress in this area by the end of the school year. If these children do not learn to see outside their own small universe they will never see the big, beautiful world around them.
As we observe what is happening on our college campuses, we see the result of raising a generation of MEs. These young people are so used to being the center of the universe that when they encounter challenges, differences of opinion, and the real world they collapse in screaming fits and need safe spaces. As parents of "Mes" we have done them a disservice. By having them grow up thinking the world revolves around them, we are setting them up for disappointment, depression, anxiety, and failure.
One day in my class, a vision of this story came to me. I could see in my mind's eye a little astronaut trapped in a very small universe. I saw in my imagination his world getting bigger and bigger as his eyes opened to the people around him. My friend and gifted illustrator, Deborah Delaney, brought this story to life with her amazing artwork.
My hope and prayer for this book is that parents and teachers can use this cute children's book to expand their children's universe. Children will laugh at this little astronaut's antics while learning a valuable lesson on humility and kindness. Children are such a blessing from the LORD and they deserve for us to teach them how to look beyond themselves. When we have eyes to see others and have compassion, empathy, and humility, we become all that God intended for us to be.
This book will make a wonderful resource for a teacher's classroom. I know I plan to use it frequently in mine! The book is now available on Amazon.
God bless,
Check out our book trailer and reading:
Friday, September 20, 2019
Reluctant, Resigned, or Resolute
In 2015, the LORD work me up about 3 a.m. burdened to pray for Israel's election. The Prime Minister of Israel was up for re-election and interference from my own government was trying to sway the election. I felt in the depth of my soul that Israel was at a cross-roads, either Israel would get a reprieve of time from the coming seven years of Jacob's Trouble (Tribulation) or it would move closer to that prophecy's fulfillment.
For the recent 2019 re-election of Israel's Prime Minister, I felt the need to pray but it was almost as if my spirit was resigned to prophecy unfolding. The Anti-Christ globalist, liberal agenda is already at work and is graining ground with those who are blind and spiritually asleep.
I sadly feel the same way for America's election in 2020. In 2016, it was that same burden to pray for God's intervention. I knew in my soul of souls that America would either get a reprieve from coming judgment or we would move rapidly towards it. The outcome of the 2016 election would depend on 2 Chronicles 7:14 "If my people who are called by My Name will humble themselves, pray, seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, forgive their sins, and heal their land."
But, just like many in Israel, who in the midst of economic prosperity, strengthened borders and military force, and building bridges of trade with other nations, have fallen for the liberal, globalist agenda, I fear Christians in America will grow lukewarm and go back to sleep spiritually. Will their love for this world cause their love for God to grow cold?
I am almost resigned to the outcome of Israel's 2019 election being a foreshadowing of the 2020 presidential election in America. Will the globalist, left media and the anti-christ spirit sway the hearts, minds, and souls of the people and blind them to the prophetic events that are unfolding.
However, the Reluctant Watchman that arose in me in 2015 as a calling from the LORD refuses to step down from her post and go to sleep. Those of us who are called to be Watchman on the Wall (Ezekiel 33:1-9), we must continue to pray, sound the alarm to those who will listen, and to VOTE! We take our stand, we do our part, we fight the good fight until the LORD calls us home.
May the God of Israel have mercy on us. We pray, "Come, LORD Jesus, come."
For the recent 2019 re-election of Israel's Prime Minister, I felt the need to pray but it was almost as if my spirit was resigned to prophecy unfolding. The Anti-Christ globalist, liberal agenda is already at work and is graining ground with those who are blind and spiritually asleep.
I sadly feel the same way for America's election in 2020. In 2016, it was that same burden to pray for God's intervention. I knew in my soul of souls that America would either get a reprieve from coming judgment or we would move rapidly towards it. The outcome of the 2016 election would depend on 2 Chronicles 7:14 "If my people who are called by My Name will humble themselves, pray, seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, forgive their sins, and heal their land."
But, just like many in Israel, who in the midst of economic prosperity, strengthened borders and military force, and building bridges of trade with other nations, have fallen for the liberal, globalist agenda, I fear Christians in America will grow lukewarm and go back to sleep spiritually. Will their love for this world cause their love for God to grow cold?
I am almost resigned to the outcome of Israel's 2019 election being a foreshadowing of the 2020 presidential election in America. Will the globalist, left media and the anti-christ spirit sway the hearts, minds, and souls of the people and blind them to the prophetic events that are unfolding.
However, the Reluctant Watchman that arose in me in 2015 as a calling from the LORD refuses to step down from her post and go to sleep. Those of us who are called to be Watchman on the Wall (Ezekiel 33:1-9), we must continue to pray, sound the alarm to those who will listen, and to VOTE! We take our stand, we do our part, we fight the good fight until the LORD calls us home.
May the God of Israel have mercy on us. We pray, "Come, LORD Jesus, come."
Isaiah 35:3-4 (NLT)
With this news, strengthen those who have tired hands,
and encourage those who have weak knees.
and encourage those who have weak knees.
Say to those with fearful hearts,
“Be strong, and do not fear,
for your God is coming to destroy your enemies.
He is coming to save you.”
“Be strong, and do not fear,
for your God is coming to destroy your enemies.
He is coming to save you.”
Monday, July 22, 2019
Buried But Not Forgotten
Today, I was looking through some old files and I came across a poem my dad wrote years ago. That old poem had been buried in a mountain of paperwork - buried but not forgotten in my heart.
He wrote the poem soon after he accepted Jesus to be his LORD and Savior. My dad's salvation was a miracle. An answer to prayer of miraculous proportions. Here is why:
1. His age - He was 65 years old when he was born again. Statistically speaking only 4% of people get saved after 30.
2. His past - let's just say it was a little rough.
3. The language barrier - At the time, he lived in a house of mostly English speaking women and he spoke mostly Spanish.
4. My dad's personality - For as long as I can remember, my dad had always been a quiet, soft-spoken, in the background sort of guy. Growing up, he would sit quietly and listen while 3 strong, opinionated, talk-a-mile-a-minute daughters monopolized conversations. We often talked around him, not necessarily to him.
I remember the day my dad shyly, but proudly, presented us with his poem. He asked us to gather around the dining table while he read to us this beautiful poem of redemption that the Holy Spirit had downloaded into his heart. I recall sitting there reflecting on the spiritual journey my family had been on, each of us getting saved one by one with my dad being the lone holdout.
As the year 2000 approached, I become burdened in my heart for my dad to get saved. Reaching my dad was difficult. It was as if my mom, sisters and I were living on the opposite side of a large ravine with my dad stranded all alone on the other side. The message of the Good News of salvation never seemed to carry across the wide distance. The devil would steal away the seeds before they could get planted. Finally on Father's Day, 1999, my dad reluctantly agreed to go to a Spanish speaking church service with us. And on that day, the Holy Spirit carried the message of salvation across that ravine to penetrate my dad's heart. The very next Sunday, my dad was born again.
I often say that my dad's transformation was the fastest and most complete transformation I have ever witnessed. He literally changed heart, mind, and soul overnight. I soon realized that my dad could be my friend. He is not shy when he feels comfortable. He is actually quite a talented ham. He is funny, sarcastic, and along with my beloved mom, he has always been my biggest fan. What a gift from the LORD. God's Word proved true! In Christ, we are a new creation. The old man passes away and the new man lives!
Sometimes, our faith can be like my dad's old poem - buried but not forgotten in our hearts. Buried beneath the weight of this world. Buried by fear. Buried by worldly possessions and distractions. Buried by illness, anxiety, depression, and even suicidal thoughts. When our faith is buried it's weak and open to attack of the enemy. The Devil comes to rob, steal, and destroy our peace, faith, and joy. Sometimes, people think that Christians shouldn't get depressed or that if they were truly saved they wouldn't have suicidal thoughts. Yet, the Bible tells us that some of the greatest heroes of the Bible suffered with depression, anxiety, fear, and even moments when they cried out to God for death.
Hannah was so depressed that when she sobbed at the temple Eli, the Priest, thought she was drunk.
Moses was burdened by the weight of caring for God's people for 40 years that in a moment of frustration he lashed out and lost his opportunity to go into the Promise Land.
David poured out his anxiety and depression in the Psalms, showing us that even giant-slayers have moments of weakness.
Gideon struggled with fear.
And, Elijah prayed to die.
I love the story of Elijah in 1 Kings 19. Elijah was a faithful prophet of God. He defeated 450 false prophets of Baal, he called down fire from heaven, and he did mighty miracles in God's name. Yet, when Jezebel, an agent of the Devil, threatened to kill him, his faith was buried by fear and he ran and hid in a cave. He cried out to God, "I have had enough, LORD. Take my life."
I get Elijah! I feel Elijah! Because, I have prayed that same prayer more times than I care to admit. When I have been in a cave of despair I have prayed to God, "I have had enough, LORD. I just want to go home and be with You in heaven." I know it's terrible and weak. I should be stronger and pray, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." (Philippians 4:13) When my faith is buried by my trials and burdens, in moments of sorrow death seems easier than the struggle.
Jesus never promised us we would have an easy life. He actually promised us that in this life we would have trials and persecution. However, He also promised that He would never leave us or forsake us, that He would be with us in the midst of the struggle. Sometimes, we just have to be reminded and strengthened just like Elijah. God did not reprimand Elijah. He didn't say "Why are you being such a coward? Why are you such a weakling?"
No, God sent an angel to provide nourishment for him. God let him sleep and rest. God does the same for us. God sends us angels who can appear in the form of a kind word from a friend, a prayer from a stranger, a hug from a child, or even speaking through the beauty of nature such as a sunflower smiling at you on the way to work. And, just like God spoke to Elijah in a gentle whisper, reminding him of His faith and purpose, God speaks to us. His gentle whisper is found in the pages of His Word. His Word jumps off the page and penetrates our heart.
When our faith is buried by burdens, it is Jesus who takes our burdens upon Himself. He says, "Fix your eyes on Me. Give me your burdens and I will carry them for you. Remember I have sealed you with my Holy Spirit. I will uphold you by my right hand. Call out to Me and I will answer. Seek Me with Your whole heart and I promise You will find Me. I am closer than you think, standing right beside You for I am near the brokenhearted and crushed in spirit."
So, I am going to frame my dad's poem and hang it in my prayer room so that the next time I'm in a cave of despair, before I pray the "get me out of here, Jesus" prayer, I will remember the poetic words of worship and gratitude penned by a baby Believer in love with Jesus. And my faith, that was temporarily buried but not forgotten, will be set aflame by the Holy Spirit.
I will be gifting my dad a framed copy of his poem. My prayer is that it will reignite that flame of Holy Spirit fire in his heart so that he can finish his race well. Lately, I have felt that the devil is trying to isolate my dad again and carry him across that ravine. I see him retreating into a cave just like Elijah - fearful, depressed, powerless. And just like Elijah temporarily forgot all the miracles God had done for him and through him, weakening his faith, so my dad seems to have forgotten the truth of the words to his own poem. But this time, the devil is not going to win because my dad is surrounded by mighty prayer warriors that will not him let go. We are forming a prayer chain grounding him to the firm foundation of Jesus. And, God is sending angels to minister to him in the form of a godly wife, family, friends, and kind neighbors. At 85 years of age, God still has a plan and purpose for my dad's life. Daniel was in his 80s when he was thrown in the lion's den. Moses was 80 when God called him to rescue His people. Sarah was in her 90s when Isaac was born. So, in God's timeline, it's not over until the chariot comes and takes us home, just like Elijah.
Sometimes, we all just need a reminder that our faith may have been buried by the schemes of the devil, but it is not forgotten in God's eyes or in our hearts. God has called us to be those nourishing angels for one another. If you have a friend or family member in a cave of despair, be God's messenger of hope. Feed them the Word of God, pray for them to have the Shalom Peace of Jesus so they can sleep and rest, point their eyes to Jesus, and remind them of who they are in Christ - a new creation! The old has passed away and the new man lives!!!
Finally, some of you reading this may be 60+ and your thinking it's too late for me to come to Jesus. If at 30, you only have a 4% chance, than for me it's impossible. Jesus said, "With Me, nothing is impossible." It is never too late. Until we take our last breath, Jesus is reaching out to you. He's that gentle whisper in the wind trying to get your attention. Saying, "I have loved you with an everlasting love. I willingly laid down my life for you so that you could have eternal life with Me. I have gone to prepare a place for you so that where I am you can be also. Come home to Me." All it takes is confessing with your mouth that Jesus is LORD and believing in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, and you will be saved. Don't wait. Today is the day of salvation. Tomorrow is not promised to anyone.
He wrote the poem soon after he accepted Jesus to be his LORD and Savior. My dad's salvation was a miracle. An answer to prayer of miraculous proportions. Here is why:
1. His age - He was 65 years old when he was born again. Statistically speaking only 4% of people get saved after 30.
2. His past - let's just say it was a little rough.
3. The language barrier - At the time, he lived in a house of mostly English speaking women and he spoke mostly Spanish.
4. My dad's personality - For as long as I can remember, my dad had always been a quiet, soft-spoken, in the background sort of guy. Growing up, he would sit quietly and listen while 3 strong, opinionated, talk-a-mile-a-minute daughters monopolized conversations. We often talked around him, not necessarily to him.
I remember the day my dad shyly, but proudly, presented us with his poem. He asked us to gather around the dining table while he read to us this beautiful poem of redemption that the Holy Spirit had downloaded into his heart. I recall sitting there reflecting on the spiritual journey my family had been on, each of us getting saved one by one with my dad being the lone holdout.
As the year 2000 approached, I become burdened in my heart for my dad to get saved. Reaching my dad was difficult. It was as if my mom, sisters and I were living on the opposite side of a large ravine with my dad stranded all alone on the other side. The message of the Good News of salvation never seemed to carry across the wide distance. The devil would steal away the seeds before they could get planted. Finally on Father's Day, 1999, my dad reluctantly agreed to go to a Spanish speaking church service with us. And on that day, the Holy Spirit carried the message of salvation across that ravine to penetrate my dad's heart. The very next Sunday, my dad was born again.
I often say that my dad's transformation was the fastest and most complete transformation I have ever witnessed. He literally changed heart, mind, and soul overnight. I soon realized that my dad could be my friend. He is not shy when he feels comfortable. He is actually quite a talented ham. He is funny, sarcastic, and along with my beloved mom, he has always been my biggest fan. What a gift from the LORD. God's Word proved true! In Christ, we are a new creation. The old man passes away and the new man lives!
Sometimes, our faith can be like my dad's old poem - buried but not forgotten in our hearts. Buried beneath the weight of this world. Buried by fear. Buried by worldly possessions and distractions. Buried by illness, anxiety, depression, and even suicidal thoughts. When our faith is buried it's weak and open to attack of the enemy. The Devil comes to rob, steal, and destroy our peace, faith, and joy. Sometimes, people think that Christians shouldn't get depressed or that if they were truly saved they wouldn't have suicidal thoughts. Yet, the Bible tells us that some of the greatest heroes of the Bible suffered with depression, anxiety, fear, and even moments when they cried out to God for death.
Hannah was so depressed that when she sobbed at the temple Eli, the Priest, thought she was drunk.
Moses was burdened by the weight of caring for God's people for 40 years that in a moment of frustration he lashed out and lost his opportunity to go into the Promise Land.
David poured out his anxiety and depression in the Psalms, showing us that even giant-slayers have moments of weakness.
Gideon struggled with fear.
And, Elijah prayed to die.
I love the story of Elijah in 1 Kings 19. Elijah was a faithful prophet of God. He defeated 450 false prophets of Baal, he called down fire from heaven, and he did mighty miracles in God's name. Yet, when Jezebel, an agent of the Devil, threatened to kill him, his faith was buried by fear and he ran and hid in a cave. He cried out to God, "I have had enough, LORD. Take my life."
I get Elijah! I feel Elijah! Because, I have prayed that same prayer more times than I care to admit. When I have been in a cave of despair I have prayed to God, "I have had enough, LORD. I just want to go home and be with You in heaven." I know it's terrible and weak. I should be stronger and pray, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." (Philippians 4:13) When my faith is buried by my trials and burdens, in moments of sorrow death seems easier than the struggle.
Jesus never promised us we would have an easy life. He actually promised us that in this life we would have trials and persecution. However, He also promised that He would never leave us or forsake us, that He would be with us in the midst of the struggle. Sometimes, we just have to be reminded and strengthened just like Elijah. God did not reprimand Elijah. He didn't say "Why are you being such a coward? Why are you such a weakling?"
No, God sent an angel to provide nourishment for him. God let him sleep and rest. God does the same for us. God sends us angels who can appear in the form of a kind word from a friend, a prayer from a stranger, a hug from a child, or even speaking through the beauty of nature such as a sunflower smiling at you on the way to work. And, just like God spoke to Elijah in a gentle whisper, reminding him of His faith and purpose, God speaks to us. His gentle whisper is found in the pages of His Word. His Word jumps off the page and penetrates our heart.
When our faith is buried by burdens, it is Jesus who takes our burdens upon Himself. He says, "Fix your eyes on Me. Give me your burdens and I will carry them for you. Remember I have sealed you with my Holy Spirit. I will uphold you by my right hand. Call out to Me and I will answer. Seek Me with Your whole heart and I promise You will find Me. I am closer than you think, standing right beside You for I am near the brokenhearted and crushed in spirit."
So, I am going to frame my dad's poem and hang it in my prayer room so that the next time I'm in a cave of despair, before I pray the "get me out of here, Jesus" prayer, I will remember the poetic words of worship and gratitude penned by a baby Believer in love with Jesus. And my faith, that was temporarily buried but not forgotten, will be set aflame by the Holy Spirit.
I will be gifting my dad a framed copy of his poem. My prayer is that it will reignite that flame of Holy Spirit fire in his heart so that he can finish his race well. Lately, I have felt that the devil is trying to isolate my dad again and carry him across that ravine. I see him retreating into a cave just like Elijah - fearful, depressed, powerless. And just like Elijah temporarily forgot all the miracles God had done for him and through him, weakening his faith, so my dad seems to have forgotten the truth of the words to his own poem. But this time, the devil is not going to win because my dad is surrounded by mighty prayer warriors that will not him let go. We are forming a prayer chain grounding him to the firm foundation of Jesus. And, God is sending angels to minister to him in the form of a godly wife, family, friends, and kind neighbors. At 85 years of age, God still has a plan and purpose for my dad's life. Daniel was in his 80s when he was thrown in the lion's den. Moses was 80 when God called him to rescue His people. Sarah was in her 90s when Isaac was born. So, in God's timeline, it's not over until the chariot comes and takes us home, just like Elijah.
Sometimes, we all just need a reminder that our faith may have been buried by the schemes of the devil, but it is not forgotten in God's eyes or in our hearts. God has called us to be those nourishing angels for one another. If you have a friend or family member in a cave of despair, be God's messenger of hope. Feed them the Word of God, pray for them to have the Shalom Peace of Jesus so they can sleep and rest, point their eyes to Jesus, and remind them of who they are in Christ - a new creation! The old has passed away and the new man lives!!!
Finally, some of you reading this may be 60+ and your thinking it's too late for me to come to Jesus. If at 30, you only have a 4% chance, than for me it's impossible. Jesus said, "With Me, nothing is impossible." It is never too late. Until we take our last breath, Jesus is reaching out to you. He's that gentle whisper in the wind trying to get your attention. Saying, "I have loved you with an everlasting love. I willingly laid down my life for you so that you could have eternal life with Me. I have gone to prepare a place for you so that where I am you can be also. Come home to Me." All it takes is confessing with your mouth that Jesus is LORD and believing in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, and you will be saved. Don't wait. Today is the day of salvation. Tomorrow is not promised to anyone.
Dad's Poem
Hermanos, quiero pedirles un poquito de atención.
Hermanos, quiero pedirles un poquito de atención.
Palabras que me
salieron de aqui de mi corazón.
O Divino Padre
Celestial, en que en ti todos debemos confiar.
Por que solo tu
Señor eres grande y poderoso.
Por eso te
alabo yo y asà me siento dichoso.
Antes estaba mi
mente un poquito equivocada
Pero hoy que
creo en Ti, ya a hora no siento nada.
Señor, ya te
hable todo lo que yo sentÃa
Hora quiero que
a mis hermanos, junto con la esposa mÃa,
nos llenas de
bendiciones y nos llenas de alegrÃa.
Written by Alfonso Vasquez
Written by Alfonso Vasquez
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
My First Stalker Encounter - I'm Your Biggest Fan
So, I had my first stalker
and, surprisingly, it wasn’t
me doing the stalking.
I’m heading to the grocery
store and this guy in the car behind me starts honking at me - repeatedly,
excitedly. He rolls down his window, waving at the stoplight so I roll down my
window and he yells out, “I’m a writer, too.”
You see, my license plate
frame identifies me as a writer.
So, I give him a thumbs up,
say “that’s cool,” and keep driving. Well, he follows me.
I turn left, he turns left.
I turn right, he turns right.
I pull into grocery store
parking lot, he turns into grocery store parking lot.
Now, I just start praying:
“LORD, if this guy is some crazy
stalker, or has some deep seeded hatred towards Christian bloggers, and it’s my
time to go, forgive me of my sins, into Your hands I place my life....If it’s
not my time to go, let him be a publisher!”
Trepidatiously, I park and
exit my vehicle. He jumps out of his car and asks me, “Hi, what do you write?”
No - “How do you do” or
“Sorry I freaked you out by following you.”
So, I told him I’m a
Christian writer and have several children’s books. He nods politely and then
proceeds to tell me he’s a poet, with a published poetry book, and starts
reciting to me his poetry. It is surprisingly very good! Stalker friend if you
are reading this, “Your poetry is very good. I enjoyed it. Please, don’t track
me down.”
Ok, better.
Now, this is my life.
My first stalked
doesn’t really want to know about me. Isn’t really interested in my writing. He
has a need to share his. I could be offended. I could feel sad. But, really
this is my calling in life - To listen to others. To encourage others. To pray
for others. That’s the life Jesus calls us to. He wants us to pour out our
lives like a drink offering of sacrifice. Writers crave feedback. It’s a
writer’s love language. So, if I get honked at, followed, and recited poetry
too, that’s my Divine appointment for the day. I lived. I survived. I have a
new blog post to write. It’s all good.
2:1-4 MSG
If you’ve gotten
anything at all out of following Christ, if his love has made any difference in
your life, if being in a community of the Spirit means anything to you, if you
have a heart, if you care— then do me a favor: Agree with each other, love
each other, be deep-spirited friends. Don’t push your way to the front; don’t
sweet-talk your way to the top. Put yourself aside, and help others get ahead.
Don’t be obsessed with getting your own advantage. Forget yourselves long
enough to lend a helping hand.
Love (not stalker
love- just sisterly love of Christ),
Monday, May 20, 2019
Bea Kind - Children's Book on Kindness
One day, a pocket full of sunshine walked through my classroom door. She was a breath of fresh air and unlike other children I'd met. What made this 4-year old child so special? She was filled with the Holy Spirit and God's love overflowed from her and touched everyone in our classroom.
Once during our preschool chapel, we prayed to accept Jesus into our hearts and as children went forward to pray she exclaimed, "I feel Jesus in my heart!"
As she said it, the atmosphere in our classroom was charged with the Holy Spirit's presence so much that I got literal goosebumps.
Her kindness to others inspired my new book called, Bea Kind. This children's book is beautifully illustrated by Deborah Delaney. She brought the spirit of this child to life in every page. As you follow Bea Kind through her day, you'll see her plant seeds of kindness on her way - impacting her family, school, and community.
This sweet little story will inspire children of all ages to plant their own seeds of kindness wherever they go.
Was the Bea Kind in my class a perfectly behaved child? No. As I recall, she stuck her tongue out at me twice. I probably deserved it. However, what made her special was that she reflected God's love so sweetly and purely. Jesus said, "The kingdom of God is made up of ones such as these." (Luke 18:16) God is calling each of us to Bea Kind.
Jesus said, "The world will know you are my disciples by your love." (John 13:35) Not by our Bible knowledge, reciting memory verses, church attendance, or even positions in ministries. Jesus said, "It's your love for one another that will be a reflection of who I am."
Being kind is not always easy, especially as we get older. Sometime, we want to stick out our tongue at the world. The only way to Bea Kind is with Jesus in our hearts. Through His Spirit living in us, overflowing out of us, we can plant seeds of kindness wherever we go.
At a time when the world is becoming more and more unkind, with people having no regard or respect for the elderly, children, and even devaluing the life of the unborn, this book will hopefully inspire children to model for us older folks the love of Jesus for all of humanity. That is my prayer for this book.
For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life. (John 3:16)
Once during our preschool chapel, we prayed to accept Jesus into our hearts and as children went forward to pray she exclaimed, "I feel Jesus in my heart!"
As she said it, the atmosphere in our classroom was charged with the Holy Spirit's presence so much that I got literal goosebumps.
Her kindness to others inspired my new book called, Bea Kind. This children's book is beautifully illustrated by Deborah Delaney. She brought the spirit of this child to life in every page. As you follow Bea Kind through her day, you'll see her plant seeds of kindness on her way - impacting her family, school, and community.
This sweet little story will inspire children of all ages to plant their own seeds of kindness wherever they go.
Was the Bea Kind in my class a perfectly behaved child? No. As I recall, she stuck her tongue out at me twice. I probably deserved it. However, what made her special was that she reflected God's love so sweetly and purely. Jesus said, "The kingdom of God is made up of ones such as these." (Luke 18:16) God is calling each of us to Bea Kind.
Jesus said, "The world will know you are my disciples by your love." (John 13:35) Not by our Bible knowledge, reciting memory verses, church attendance, or even positions in ministries. Jesus said, "It's your love for one another that will be a reflection of who I am."
Being kind is not always easy, especially as we get older. Sometime, we want to stick out our tongue at the world. The only way to Bea Kind is with Jesus in our hearts. Through His Spirit living in us, overflowing out of us, we can plant seeds of kindness wherever we go.
At a time when the world is becoming more and more unkind, with people having no regard or respect for the elderly, children, and even devaluing the life of the unborn, this book will hopefully inspire children to model for us older folks the love of Jesus for all of humanity. That is my prayer for this book.
For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life. (John 3:16)

Friday, April 26, 2019
Let the Weak Say I Am a Warrior - National Day of Prayer 2019
I love the story of Gideon. Gideon was a man full of fear, surrounded by cruel, enemy forces. When Jesus, The Angel of the LORD, appears to Gideon he is hiding in a winepress, which is a pit in the ground. He is safe in the pit. The pit is familiar, comfortable even.
When Jesus appears to Gideon, he doesn't rebuke him for his cowardly behavior. Jesus looks past the outward appearance to the heart within. Jesus sees the potential in Gideon, the hero Gideon can be if he merely puts his trust in Him.
Jesus says, "The LORD is with you, you mighty man of valor."
Gideon does what many of us would do if Jesus appeared to us and called us a "mighty man or woman of valor."
Gideon basically says, "Who me?"
Immediately, we would start listing all of our faults to God:
I'm not a warrior - I'm weak.
I'm not brave - I'm fearful.
I'm a nobody from a nobody family.
You can't use me, God.
Just leave me in the pit.
Jesus tell Gideon, "Gideon, I have a job for you to do. Go in this might of yours. For surely I am with you and you will defeat your enemies."
Jesus looks at our inner potential and speaks life into that person. He looks past our mess-ups, shortcomings, fear, and doubts and calls us a "Mighty Warrior."
But, just like Gideon had to come out of the pit, we have to be willing to come out of our pit. We have to leave our safe place, comfort zone, our same-old-same-old level of faith. We have to reach higher and step up our faith.
Jesus does not want us to stay hiding in the winepress. The LORD is with us, but he is calling us out of fear and bondage into the spiritual battlefield. In Christ, with Christ, He fights our battles. The victory is already His, but we have to take that step of faith and walk out of our dark pit into the His marvelous light.
We have to put our feet in the water before He'll part the sea.
We have to pick up our stone and throw it at the giant before He'll slay the giant for us.
We have to risk it all and go before the King asking for His favor to save our people before the King will move on our behalf.
So, my life verse has become, "Let the weak say I am a warrior." (Joel 3:10)
Jesus is calling up Gideons in these last days. The enemy is surrounding us, trying to silence our voices, and robbing us of our harvest. The enemy wants us to live in fear in the winepress so that we are ineffective for God's Kingdom and we leave our family open to attack.
But, let the weak say I am strong. Let the weak put on their full armor of God. Let the weak come out of hiding and go forth in this might of ours that we have received by the power of the Holy Spirit living in us. Let the weak become warriors of faith for the sake of their families, communities, and nations.
On Thursday, May 2nd, is the National Day of Prayer. Let us lift up our voices in prayer. Let's be bold and courageous, meeting at flag poles, school lunch tables, work break rooms, halls of government, parks, dinner tables, coffee shops, and living rooms. Let's lift our hands and pray and see The Angel of the LORD unleash His angel army and fight our battles. To Him be all glory, honor, and praise. In Jesus Name I pray. Amen!!!
When Jesus appears to Gideon, he doesn't rebuke him for his cowardly behavior. Jesus looks past the outward appearance to the heart within. Jesus sees the potential in Gideon, the hero Gideon can be if he merely puts his trust in Him.
Jesus says, "The LORD is with you, you mighty man of valor."
Gideon does what many of us would do if Jesus appeared to us and called us a "mighty man or woman of valor."
Gideon basically says, "Who me?"
Immediately, we would start listing all of our faults to God:
I'm not a warrior - I'm weak.
I'm not brave - I'm fearful.
I'm a nobody from a nobody family.
You can't use me, God.
Just leave me in the pit.
Jesus tell Gideon, "Gideon, I have a job for you to do. Go in this might of yours. For surely I am with you and you will defeat your enemies."
Jesus looks at our inner potential and speaks life into that person. He looks past our mess-ups, shortcomings, fear, and doubts and calls us a "Mighty Warrior."
But, just like Gideon had to come out of the pit, we have to be willing to come out of our pit. We have to leave our safe place, comfort zone, our same-old-same-old level of faith. We have to reach higher and step up our faith.
Jesus does not want us to stay hiding in the winepress. The LORD is with us, but he is calling us out of fear and bondage into the spiritual battlefield. In Christ, with Christ, He fights our battles. The victory is already His, but we have to take that step of faith and walk out of our dark pit into the His marvelous light.
We have to put our feet in the water before He'll part the sea.
We have to pick up our stone and throw it at the giant before He'll slay the giant for us.
We have to risk it all and go before the King asking for His favor to save our people before the King will move on our behalf.
So, my life verse has become, "Let the weak say I am a warrior." (Joel 3:10)
Jesus is calling up Gideons in these last days. The enemy is surrounding us, trying to silence our voices, and robbing us of our harvest. The enemy wants us to live in fear in the winepress so that we are ineffective for God's Kingdom and we leave our family open to attack.
But, let the weak say I am strong. Let the weak put on their full armor of God. Let the weak come out of hiding and go forth in this might of ours that we have received by the power of the Holy Spirit living in us. Let the weak become warriors of faith for the sake of their families, communities, and nations.
On Thursday, May 2nd, is the National Day of Prayer. Let us lift up our voices in prayer. Let's be bold and courageous, meeting at flag poles, school lunch tables, work break rooms, halls of government, parks, dinner tables, coffee shops, and living rooms. Let's lift our hands and pray and see The Angel of the LORD unleash His angel army and fight our battles. To Him be all glory, honor, and praise. In Jesus Name I pray. Amen!!!
Thursday, April 4, 2019
Jesus Calms the Storm
Recently, I have been in the midst of a raging storm, waves of worry and hurricane winds of anxiety threatening to capsize my boat. I was fearful I would not reach land safely and I felt like I was drowning.
I understood how the disciples questioned Jesus in Matthew 8:23-27, "Jesus, don't you care if we drown?"
Psalm 77:2-4, 9 (NLT)
When I was in deep trouble, I searched for the LORD. All night long I prayed with hands lifted to heaven, but my soul was not comforted. I think of God, and I moan, overwhelmed with longing for his help. You don't let me sleep. I am too distressed even to pray!...Has God forgotten to be gracious: Has he slammed the doors on his compassion?
Yet, throughout the worst of the turbulent winds, I would remember how Jesus had come through for me in my past storms. Never early. Never coming by helicopter to life-flight me out of the boat, but always working all things for good in the end.
Psalm 77:10-12 (NLT)
But then I recall all you have done, O LORD; I remember your wonderful deeds of long ago. They are constantly in my thoughts. I cannot stop thinking about your mighty works.
When I felt like I could not continue fighting the waves, Jesus would arise and say, "Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?"
My prayer in response, from the depth of my heart was, "I have faith, Jesus. I believe. Help my unbelief."
And Jesus would throw me a life-line...
A little miracle that would strengthen my faith.
A scripture promise in my daily Bible reading.
A dream.
A Word of Knowledge downloaded to my heart and mind.
A preschool chapel lesson inspired by the Holy Spirit to teach me a lesson on faith.
Prayer warriors standing with me in the boat.
Prayer warriors calling and texting prayers and words of encouragement from the distant shore.
While I had to row with all of my strength in the waves that crashed against me, Jesus was strengthening me. He was making me stronger so that the next storm that comes, because there will be a next storm, I will remember how Jesus was with me in the midst of this storm. How He never left me or forsook me.
And finally, at the very last moment, on the day before I needed my answered prayer, Jesus arose and said to my storm, "Quiet! Be still."
And the waves and wind stilled.
Who is this Jesus who even the winds and waves obey Him?
He is my Savior, Rescuer, Healer, Shepherd, and King.
Thank you, Jesus. Thank you for loving me. Thank you that you hear me when I call. Thank you for forgiving me when I panic and I have a hard time scrounging up a mustard seed of faith. Thank you that you are strengthening me in the storms of my life. Thank you for being my Good Shepherd who cares and protects me. I love you, Jesus.
Psalm 77:13-15 (NLT)
O God, your ways are holy. Is there any god as mighty as you: You are the God of great wonders! You demonstrate your awesome power among the nations. By your strong arm, you redeemed your people.
Are you in the midst of a storm?
Are you struggling with fear and stress and worry?
Call out to Jesus, "Jesus, Jesus help me!" No fancy prayers needed. Just a call of desperation from your heart will do.
He loves you. The Bible says that Jesus is near the brokenhearted and crushed in spirit.
He wants to help you. Invite Him into your storm.
Keep your eyes, ears, and heart focused on Him, no matter how high the waves get.
Ask people around you to pray with you. They will keep you afloat.
And, you'll see Jesus arise and say, "Quiet! Be still" to your storm.
John 16:33 (AMP)
"I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have [perfect] peace. In the world you will have tribulation and distress and suffering, but be courageous [be confident, be undaunted, be filled with joy]; I have overcome the world." [My conquest is accomplished, My victory abiding.]
Below you will find a preschool chapel lesson on Jesus Calming the Storm. Make the Bible come alive to children. They will understand God's Word and hide it in their hearts. And, God may use it to help you, like He helped me, hide it in your heart too. Link to video:
Thursday, January 24, 2019
Why Christians Need to Study Bible Prophecy
I just finished a chapter by chapter Revelation study for my family which I recorded on YouTube, and on Jan 5th, I attended an amazing prophecy seminar.
So, prophecy is on my brain.
Many people don't want to study prophecy because they think it is scary or hard to understand. If they understood what prophecy really is they would not fear it.
Prophecy is all about Jesus. Revelation 19:10 says "For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy."
From the fall in the garden, where God said the seed of the woman (Jesus) would have His heel bruised at the crucifixion and that Jesus would crush the head of the devil at His second coming, to the very last page of the Bible prophecy is interwoven in the story to tell of His first coming, crucifixion, and second coming. When we view prophecy as learning all that Jesus wants us to know about Him, we undertand that the study of prophecy is not an option it's a necessity.
Jesus wants His church to study prophecy. On the road to Emmaus, two of those who were following Jesus were bummed because He'd been crucified. Jesus appears and starts walking by them and paraphrasing here He says, "Hey, what's got your so bummed?" They say, "Dude, where have you been? We were following this guy who was awesome and he was crucified. We were hoping he was the Messiah!" Jesus responds, "O foolish ones, and slow in heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken." Paraphrasing, "If you'd known your prophecy, you'd have realized the Messiah had to suffer and die first, then come back to redeem Israel." Then Jesus took the time to spell it out to them, explaining from Moses, through all the prophets, how it all pointed to Him. Also, one of the complaints He had about the Pharisees, who studied the scriptures, is that they could tell the weather better than they could understand the prophecies of His first coming, so they missed it completely!
In Revelation 1:3, God promises a special blessing to those who study Revelation. It says "Blessed is he who reads and those the hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written in it; for the time is near."
That is one of the reasons I decided to do a YouTube video teaching for my famiy because I wanted us to receive the promised blessing. And, I wanted to arm them with knowledge. God says that His people parish for lack of knowledge.
That is why the Devil has robbed the church of studying prophecy. The study and understanding of prophecy keeps the Believer on guard and watchful. One of the biggest tactics of the devil is the keep the Believer asleep, ignorant and lukewarm through compromise. While the world gets darker and darker and uncertainity and chaos abound, the Believer who studies prophecy has this inner hope that serves as encouragment on the worst of days. We know the end of the story. We win!
In Revelation, Jesus has a message for seven churches. These churches represent the churches throughout history, the churches during the Apostle John's time, and the churches of today.
Jesus's warning to the compromising church was to stop compromising with sexual sin. He told them to repent.
To the corrupt church, He told her to repent and hold fast to to truth.
To the dead church, Jesus warned them that they thought they were alive but they were really dead. He told them to repent or he would come like a thief in the night and they would not know the hour in which he would come.
To the lukewarm church, the told them, "You think that you are wealthy but you are really naked poor and wretched." They were confident in their wealth and comfort and Jesus told them to be zealous and repent, but because if they remained lukewarm he would vomit them out of his mouth.
Only two churches received commendations from Jesus. The persecuted church thoughout history and today will receive the crown of life. The faithful church -we want to be part of the faithful church - Jesus told them, "You kept My Word and did not deny My Name. This is the only church that Jesus says He will keep from the hour of trouble coming on the whole world - he'll rescue from the Tribulation.
Jesus told us how to make sure we would escape the tribulation. The Rapture is our great escape. To understand the Rapture of the church, you have to understand the traditions involved in Jewish weddings. At a Jewish wedding, only the father of the groom knows the day of the wedding. After a couple gets engaged, the groom goes back to his father's house to build a room addition onto his father's house. The bride goes home, prepares her wedding dress and get's herself ready. She has her bridesmaids and family keeping watch to see how the building is going. As the building gets closer to completion, she invites her bridesmaids to stay with her and they anxiously await the groom's arrival. The father gets to decide when his son can go get his bride. Finally, the Father announces to the son, "Go get your bride." It is usually at night and a big procession of celebrating groomsmen and family go and receive the bride and everyone goes back to the father's house for the wedding and reception.
That is why Jesus gave the parable about the Ten Bridesmaids. He knew His audience would understand the meaning behind it. To those who are waiting and watching with oil in their lamps (which means Holy Spirit filled), He will come for them and they will be ready. They will be His Faithful church. To those who are not ready, not watching, and not filled with His Spirit, Jesus will come like a thief in the night. And remember his warning to the dead church, they would not know what hour he would come.
When Jesus told His disciples,
"Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe in Me as well. In My Father’s house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and welcome you into My presence, so that you also may be where I am. You know the way to the place where I am going.” (John 14:1-4)
He was reassuring his disciples, "I'm the bridegroom. I'm going to my Father's house to prepare a place to you and when my Father says, 'Go get your Bride' I'm coming back to you to receive you to myself."
So we study prophecy because Jesus wants His bride ready for His return. At the prophecy conference, here is list of major events happening right now that we need to be aware of:
1. The conflict between globalism and nationalism. The antichrist spirit is pushing the nations of the world towards globalism. Europe is almost completely lost but a few are rising up against it, like Brexit and the Yellow Vests. That is why the globalist hate Trump. God is using him to push back against the One World Government. When you watch the news, look for the spiritiual battle raging behind the scenes, the media propagand braining washing our youth, and even those who are in the church that hate President Trump are blind to the antichrist agenda that is being raged for the soul of our nation.
2. Rise of evil, tolerance for demonic practices and witchcraft. When witches are being interviewed on news stations discussing putting a hex on Trump and judges like it's no big deal, Jesus is coming back soon. In Hollywood, the demonic is pretty much mainstream and out in the open. One actor just thanked Satan in his acceptance speech and a famous singer just created a gender neutral clothing line. In her marketing pictures, toddlers are seen wearing clothing that says "New Order". On the children's clothing, she has actual human skulls. Interesting choice for a kid's clothing line.
3. US withdrawl from Syria. Whenever you hear Syria mentioned in the news, it is time to listen up. Israel will be invaded by a 5 nation coalition fulfilling Ezekiel 38 prophecy. Those nations are Russia, Iran, Turkey, Sudan and Libya. They will invade Israel from Syria. It will be lead by Russia. Three of these nations have already united and are stationed on the border of Israel in Syria. The Prime Minister of Israel just went to meet with Libya and Sudan, and this weekend Israel bombed Iranian military sites in Syria. A general in Iran is calling on the destruction of Israel. In Israel, the media and enemies of Israel are attempting to do to him what our media and left is doing to Trump. They are trying to get him out of office. He is up for reelection in April. If he loses, Israel will most likely be led by a leader who will be willing to divide the land in a peace deal. We need to pray that he wins reelection and Trump too.
4. Apostasy of the church - many churches are abandoning sound doctrine for messages that tickle the ears. I heard a great quote at the prophecy conference "When the church tries to be more like the world in an effort to reach it, Jesus is coming soon." A recent example is a pastor who was quoted saying, "the church needs to unhitch from Old Testament." He got a lot of heat for his comment, especially from Messianic Jews. A friend had me listen to an interview he did trying to talk his way out of it. She thought maybe he had been misunderstood. After watching the interview, I could see that he did mean it. He tried talking in circles but he wants to only preach parts of New Testament. He says that Christianity is not based on Bible but on the historical act of the Resurrection. He said he's trying to reach an audience that doesn't believe in the Bible. Well, there is no resurrection without atonement of sin by the sacrifice of blood. Jesus is foretold from Genesis to Revelation. But, he is trying to be more like the world in an effort to reach the world. This is false doctrine and he is one of the false teachers Jesus warned us about. It's also Replacement Theology - where Christians believe the Church has replaced Israel as God's chosen people. That is demonic theology. But see how suble it is. If people don't know their scripture, they will be easily mislead because it sounds good. Another thing happening in the church is the compromise on sexual sin that Jesus warned the churches about in Revelation. I just read a story of a Northern CA Pastor who was fired from his church because he posted sign agreeing with Biblical doctrine on sexual immorality. That sad thing is, he was fired because an elder in his church said if the pastor did not go, he would go....An elder in the church!!! That elder represents the curropt, comprised, dead church.
So, these are just a few of the things that we need to be aware of. It's up to us to be the Bridesmaids that have oil in our lamps and are keeping watch. We have to watch for the Bridegroom so we can warn those we love. Those who are on the fence, who are not ready, who are compromising with sexual sin, witchcraft, etc. Let me tell you why. The most shocking thing I learned at prophecy conference wasn't the different current events or signs of the times, it is what happens to those we love who are left behind. I always figured after reading the "Left Behind" series is that those we witness to that don't recieve Jesus now, will accept him after we get raptured because they will realize that what we said was true and they will come to the faith. They would have to be martryed but they would be saved. According to several pastors I respect, and my respected Bible commentary it says that those who reject the message of salvation and are left behind, God will send a strong delusion on them and they will not be able to come to the faith. They will be easily ensared the charisma and lies of the Antichrist.
2 Thessalonians 2:9-13(NKJV)
9 The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders, 10 and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 11 And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie, 12 that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
When I walked away from the conference, I was stunned and saddened. When you read Revelation, you see how the Antichrist will deceive many, and their hearts will grow cold and hard that they will curse God instead of repenting. You see that antichrist spirit today with the verocity and hatred towards Trump and his supporters (really what he is fighting against which is abortion, sex-trafficking, and globalism.) Also, the hatred against Evangelical Christians and Israel. A pastor I follow on prophecy said it great, "It's time for us to go because we have out stayed our welcome on this earth."
So, why is it necessary to study Revelation and prophecy?
1. Jesus wants us to.
2. God promises us a blessing if we do.
3. And we have been chosen and called to live in such a time as this to warn others and to reach them with the Gospel.
Final warning from Jesus:
Luke 21:34-36 (NKJV)
The Importance of Watching
34 “But take heed to yourselves, lest your hearts be weighed down with carousing, drunkenness, and cares of this life, and that Day come on you unexpectedly. 35 For it will come as a snare on all those who dwell on the face of the whole earth. 36 Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man.”
That scripture has become my prayer, "Jesus, count me worth to escape the wrath to come. Forgive me of anything in my life that is offensive, reveal to me those areas in which I compromise and am lukewarm, and help me to change. Clothe me in your righteousness and cover me by the blood of the Lamb. Keep me under the shelter of your wings and give me the courage, boldness to share the gospel in love while I still have time. In Jesus Name. Amen."
Below you will find the videos to the Prophecy Conference I attended.
Watch and be informed.
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