40 Year Old Girlfriends - Poem

Friends in our 40s are so great to meet.
Over clothes and boys we no longer compete.

Friends in our 20s are all “Sex in the City”.
In our 30s, it’s all runny noses and diapers and that isn’t pretty.

But at 40, we’re stronger, wiser and have learned to roll with the punches.
Beauty comes from within, who cares if we could stand to do a few crunches.

At this age, true friendship is all about acceptance.
Knowing our strengths and weaknesses are part of God’s plan and excellence.

So now in my 40s, I’m having a blast.
Your friendship has helped me find that girl again, the one from my past.

God has brought us together at this time in our lives
To run side by side in this race and reach for His prize.

So bring on 50 cause I'm sticking by you.
With you by my side we'll make it through.

Written by Yolanda

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