Monday, December 30, 2019

Rise of the Remnant

So, I recently...along with millions of other people...watched the latest Star Wars film, "The Rise of Skywalker." As someone who at 15 years old fell in love with Han Solo and was enraptured by the Princess Leia and Han Solo love affair, I adored the last film.

While it fulfilled many sentimental fond memories, the film also inspired a prophetic Biblical message for 2020. The Star Wars films can always be viewed as having a Biblical message of good verses evil and the force being representative of the Holy Spirit, yet to me this film spoke of the prophetic battle that is raging in the world during these Last Days.

In these Last Days, it does seem as though evil is triumphing and multiplying. The evil empire is growing and recruiting blind followers who wear masks and are attempting to extinguish the Light. The good guys who have fought the good fight are dying off. Even those who are empowered by the "light force" are dwindling down. The pull of the dark side is enticing many to turn from The Way to the path of least resistance.

There is a scene at the end of the film when the evil Emperor Palpatine is attempting to sway Rey to the dark side, and in the crowd of this huge arena are all of his followers. They are shrouded in darkness, with hoods over their faces, and the are the silent majority that has been deceived by the power of the dark side.

Rey stands alone against him. And Emperor Palpatine says, "I am every Sith that has ever lived." And, as I'm watching this scene play out, I realize that he is fictionally representing what the Anti-Christ will say during his reign during the seven years of Tribulation. He will be empowered by the dark force, which is Satan, and he will represent every anti-christ that has come before him, from Antiochus IV Epiphanes to Hitler to those in power today who use their money and influence to push their globalist agenda. And when you look at the fictional character of Palpatine, whose face is contorted by evil, it's not a stretch to say that many in power today who are plotting to destroy nations resemble him in appearance and deed because their faces are contorted by the spirit of the anti-christ in them.

Just when you think that Palpatine is going to win, Rey replies, "And I am every Jedi." With the encouragement of all the Jedi's who have died fighting the good fight, she rises up to defeat the dark side.

The prophetic message I received while watching this scene is that God is raising up a remnant of Believers from His church. Who are the remnant? It's like that line in the movie, when all of these ships show up at the end to fight the First Order, General Pryde says, "Who is this army?" And, a soldier replies, "It's just people." That is the REMNANT!!

It was "just people" from all over the universe who heard the cry for help and responded, who decided it was worth it all to fight against the evil First Order. In the Bible, it says that the Anti-Christ will not be revealed until The Restrainer is taken away. The Restrainer is the Remnant. What is restraining the Anti-Christ from being revealed in this moment is a Holy Spirit filled Remnant of Believers. Just people all over the world who are willing to lay it all down for Jesus and to fight the One World Order. When Rey says, "And I am every Jedi." I pictured us, God's Remnant" saying, "We represent every Believer who has lived and died for Christ." We are using the Holy Spirit Force to push back against the Anti-Christ spirit that is pushing this One World Order system on the nations of the world.

Sometimes, we are going to feel like Rey, not sure if we can do it. Not sure if our past history makes us unworthy to be part of the Remnant. Sometimes we are going to feel tired of the fight. Sometimes, the fight against the enemy is going to take us to the point of near death, where it seems easier to just give in and stay down. But, just when it looks like we are down for the count, God sends another Holy Spirit Believer to breath life into us again. They will help us back up and we will partner together to fight the good fight until the end.

2020 is just around the corner. 2020 is going to be a spiritual battle of galactic proportions because the Anti-Christ spirit is raging against anyone who stands for nationalism, Israel, and Bible believing and following Christians. It's sad that I even have to make a distinction between Christians, but many are falling away from the faith. Many call themselves Christians but over 70 percent of people who call themselves Christians do not believe the Bible is the Word of God. So, God is sifting the church to see who are wheat (Spirit-filled/Bible Believing Christians) and who are tares (lukewarm).  Just like when God reduced Gideon's army from 32,000 to 300 men, so that Israel would know that it was God who provided the victory, God will use a Remnant in these Last Days. It's all throughout scripture, the Parable of the Ten Bridesmaids, only 5 where ready, watching, and Spirit-filled. The 144,000 Spirit-filled men of Israel who God will seal in the Tribulation to share the Gospel in those 7 years.  God always saves and uses a Remnant - Noah and his family, Lot and his daughters, 2 out of the 12 spies, etc. etc.

So, in 2020 it will be the Rise of the Remnant. Will you be part of God's Remnant?


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