Sunday, August 10, 2014

From Ignorant is Bliss to Down the Rabbit Hole

I love music. I always have. I play music when I write, clean, exercise, or just for serenity. If you notice, most of my blog posts include worship songs. Music inspires. Music motivates. Recently, a couple things happened that made me reconsider what kind of music I want to listen to. 

First, my daughter often fights me for radio control because she likes to listen to pop-music. To be honest, I like it too. I love to bop to music in my car or dance around the house. And I've been known to sing at the top of my lungs when alone. The other day, a song was playing and I heard a lyric go something like, “By the end of this song, I’ll have you ________.” I called out to my daughter, “Hey, these lyrics are terrible!” She says, “That song is from the 80s!” Wow, what? I laughingly shared this story with some friends and they reminded me of all lyrics from songs I used to love. I never paid attention to lyrics. I just enjoyed dancing to the beat. I guess I figured ignorance is bliss…

Second, a few days ago a friend, who also loves music, gave me some shocking news. I mentioned a current pop star I like. Her songs are catchy and upbeat. My friend said, “You know she’s part of an occult and has sold her soul to the devil.”

WHAT? No way. OK, I’ll admit she dresses a little risque. That statement was probably a figure of speech. Well, my friend ended up showing me a YouTube video where this singer admitting selling her soul for fame. No hesitation. No joking. Just a statement of fact. I still wanted to deny it, hoping her statement was kind of like, “I’m just a rebel.” When my friend started mentioning other musicians, I literally turned into one of my preschoolers and put my hands over my ears saying, “I can’t hear you! Don’t tell me anymore!” I wanted to remain in my bliss of ignorance.

But because I’m like Alice in Wonderland, once my curiosity is piqued, I get curiouser and curiouser. After doing more research than a self-proclaimed coward should probably do before bedtime, let’s just say I fell down the rabbit hole. The more I researched, the more I became aware of other artists who have literally forsaken all for fame and money. At a recent music award show, Christians in the audience felt the need to leave early because it was so demonic and nonbelievers even tweeted afterwards that they had witnessed something very dark. If it was so prevalent that the eyes of non-believers could see it, how much more should we believers see it? There was even an interview with a comedic actor I enjoy who made the same statement about selling his soul for fame. I had recently used one of his movie clips on my blog. I felt sick to my stomach so I deleted the entire post.

I do not judge these celebrities. My heart breaks for them and I have started to pray on their behalf. Many grew up in Bible-believing homes but they have traded the Truth for a lie. They also have the potential to lead so many young people astray so it prudent and compassionate to pray for them.  

 And what do you benefit if you gain the whole world but lose your own soul? Is anything worth more than your soul? Matthew 16:26 (NLT)
That night when I tried to sleep, I was plagued with a sense of darkness and despair. Devastated by how blind I can be when I want to live in ignorant bliss. I repented of my ignorance and asked God to forgive me. I kept debating whether to write about my discoveries because I felt a sense of unease and fear. I was robed of sleep and kept up a long stream of prayer. Suddenly I heard a huge boom. My husband searched the house and yard and found nothing. We assumed it was a neighbor or a passing car. The next morning, after my husband left for work, I went into my office where I write and noticed the 2-pane window above my desk was shattered. My first reaction was that neighborhood children had thrown a ball or rock at the window. When I went to investigate, I notice that the outer-pane was fine but the inner-pane was broken.

 I immediately called my husband. His words, “It’s all the devil talk last night.” Not helping! I was already freaked out. Since he knows my tendency to go off the deep end of paranoia, he tried to reassure me saying it was probably a result of the house settling or weather pressure. But he ended the conversation by encouraging me to pray over the house…just in case. Today our window repairman told us that it appears to be a spontaneous break.  Hmmm

So having a broken window above my writing desk? Coincidence? Probably.
Is there a logical explanation for why the inner pane broke? Probably.
Was I scared right out of the rabbit hole? Oh yeah! Definitely!

Because you see, the Bible says that if you stand up for Jesus, you will have enemies who will do anything and everything to prevent you from sharing the love and salvation offered by God with those who are lost. And if you don’t believe that the Enemy is real, just look closely at those celebrities who used to resemble your neighborhood kids and now look like walking zombies. Their eyes are soulless. The bargain they made for fame and fortune soon leaves them empty. And their lives culminate into destruction, despair, broken relationships, overdose, or even sadly suicide. The human heart, soul, and mind cannot combat the darkness of the Enemy trying to occupy it.

We are not fighting against humans. We are fighting against forces and authorities and against rulers of darkness and powers in the spiritual world. Ephesians 6:12 (CEV) 
So, if you have noticed, I have been purposely vague in this post. I’m not going to tell you what musicians or celebrities have joined this occult. I’m not going to tell you the name of the occult. I’m not even going to tell you to stop listening to secular music. That’s not my place. Everyone has a responsibility to do their own research and make their own decisions. My responsibility is to be informed and to inform my daughter, not by forbidding her to listen to secular music (it’s kind of impossible because it is everywhere, the gym, mall, school, etc.) but by giving her knowledge. Allowing her and I to make informed choices on what we will listen to and support. Because knowledge is power and ignorance is definitely NOT bliss. Ignorance is dangerous.

So my prayer is that you do NOT take my word for it. But that you pray and ask God to remove the veil from your eyes, like God removed mine, and that you investigate. Most important, once you have identified the Enemy, be sure to arm yourself with the Holy Spirit daily (Ephesians 6:11-12). The Enemy of God has an agenda. His agenda is to promise people a dying world in exchange for giving up God’s promise of eternity in Heaven with Him. It’s that simple. Don't fall for it. Don't let your friends fall for it. It’s a bad deal.  

Go in through the narrow gate. The gate to destruction is wide, and the road that leads there is easy to follow. A lot of people go through that gate. But the gate to life is very narrow. The road that leads there is so hard to follow that only a few people find it. Matthew 7:13-14 (CEV)
 My dear children, you come from God and belong to God. You have already won a big victory over those false teachers, for the Spirit in you is far stronger than anything in the world. These people belong to the Christ-denying world. They talk the world’s language and the world eats it up. But we come from God and belong to God. Anyone who knows God understands us and listens. The person who has nothing to do with God will, of course, not listen to us. This is another test for telling the Spirit of Truth from the spirit of deception. 1 John 4:4 (MSG)
I pray your ears are open to the Spirit of Truth.
PS: If you are one of my frequent readers, I ask that you keep me and my family in prayer. Thank you.


  1. AWESOME Word!!!!!!!! You are becoming more strong and bold in the Spirit and the enemy is trying to intimidate you. "We are More than Conquerors through Him who loves us"!!!!!!! You are protected by the Word, the Spirit, and angels..... Acts 4:29-31

    1. Thank you Jerry. I was worried about this one but felt I was supposed to share it. It's gotten a "quiet" response so I pray that God uses it for His purposes to reach those He wants to reach. Thank you for the encouraging scriptures. I've started to pray the scriptures and it really has been helping. God bless you and your ministry always.


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