Thursday, September 5, 2013

Prayer of a Mom Entering Middle School

My baby girl is starting middle school and I am freaking out! I have dreaded the teen years since she’s been in my womb.  Because you see, I don’t have a lot of patience for teen drama. I drove MYSELF crazy as a teen, which is why I only work with cute preschoolers.  I leave the scary teenagers to those the Lord has gifted with superhuman powers.

This summer, my daughter had to mature rather quickly.  For the first time ever, I had to go back to work before the start of her school year. She suddenly had to make her own meals, take care of the house, and be responsible. It was a learning experience for both of us.  I just have to brag and say that she did great. So you’d think that I would feel confident in her ability and decision making skills right? Nope, I had to experience a painful life lesson in order to get the message that it’s time to let her spread her wings so she can learn how to fly.

Middle School is going to be a whole new ball game. There are multiple classes, hormones running a muck, girl clicks, and potential bullying. To top it all off, parents had to lease laptops for each student to use at school.  I know, I know, technology is a good thing. But REALLY they expect 6th graders to deal with multiple classes, hormones, and care for an expensive computer.  Last year, I was lucky if I could find my daughter’s homework assignment in the bottom of her backpack, in one piece and without PB&J smears.

So the day we went to pick up her new computer from school, I made sure to ask the tech guy if the insurance policy covers any and all natural and unnatural disasters.  He assured me that even if my daughter dropped it in a lake it would be covered.  Whew! I felt better but I still gave my daughter the 3rd degree, “Don’t eat by it. Don’t drink by it. Don’t share it. And for goodness sakes DON’T drop it. You will handle this computer like your life depends on it.”

As we are exiting the technology classroom, I tell my daughter, “I’ll carry it!” Very clearly still having trust issues. We get about 20 feet down the hall when my elbow hits a protruding door handle and BAM there goes the computer crashing to the floor! “OH BLANK!” comes spewing out of my mouth.  Unfortunately, there was a nice teacher walking by who starts to snicker and says, “You better take it back while you are still here.” Luckily, he didn't say, “And watch your language young lady!” 

My very supportive daughter goes, “MOM, you are so embarrassing. I am not going back in there.”  I guess I deserved that so I took the walk of shame alone. As I entered the class, full of the really perfect moms, I tell the tech guy, “OPPS! I just dropped it.” He gives me a look like “REALLY?” Yep, I even showed him my wounded arm as proof. The good news is that the insurance coverage really works! After being handed a perfectly working laptop, I decided my daughter should carry it.  We laughed all the way home and as I was driving I had an epiphany. I realized it was time to turn over the laptop, metaphorically speaking.

This last month my daughter has proved that she is capable of taking on more responsibility...when I let her.  I've been so afraid to let go of the reins because of fear of failure, injury, or danger but it’s time to trust her and, more importantly, trust in the Lord. I am hindering her maturing process by being over-protective.  So I have decided that this school year, I am going to take on more of the role of mentor verses smothering, mother hen.  I am going to teach her organizational skills because it is a skill she must master in higher education, work, and life.  I will give her limited freedom on her laptop but it will be located right next to mine so that I can supervise her online activity.  When school challenges arise, I will not run in and take over. I will assist, if needed, but I will give her the opportunity to work through her problems.

My most important job as a parent entering Middle School is going to be to PRAY for my child.
  • Pray for God to give her wisdom so that she can do well academically, socially, but most importantly spiritually.
  • Pray for God to give her discernment when it comes to friendships and peers.
  • Pray for God to protect her from bullying and danger.
  • Pray for God to keep her pure in thought and action even when the Enemy attempts to corrupt.
  • Pray for the Holy Spirit to reveal and empower her God-given talents and strengths so she can be hopeful and excited about her future.
  • Pray that God keeps our family united and focused on Him, that we prioritize church, reading our Bible, and fellowship with Believers.

As I have been preparing myself to face the reality of Middle School, this Bible verse keeps coming to mind:
Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older they will not leave it. Proverbs 22:6 (NLT)
I looked up the word “direct” in the dictionary and it means to train, supervise, point and show the way.  I pray my daughter sees my life pointing her to Jesus, my own walk showing her the way, and that when I stumble and fall I reach for my savior for help and direction. As her trainer, I must provide learning opportunities to test her skills. As her supervisor, I must keep a watchful eye that she is maturing and staying on track.  If she makes a mistake, I must correct and set her back on course.  I can’t walk the path for her or carry her.  I just have to point her in the right direction, hand her over to Jesus who loves her more than I ever could, and trust that He has a wonderful plan for her future. 

Jesus said:
“I have come so that they can have real and eternal life, more and better life than they ever dreamed of.” (John 10:10 MSG)

God’s plan for my daughter is greater than any dream I could ever hope for.  So bring on Middle School….we’re ready. 

But pray for me because, well you know, I’m me….


When thinking of this new school year, this poem came to me:

A Life of 1000 Possibilities

One life given
One choice to make
One life to shine
Or one life to whine

So take everyday
As a gift from above
To let your light shine
As a testament of love

Take each possibility
To challenge your ability
Failure is not the end
Only where your road bends

Challenges and heartbreak
Will come your way
Some will knock you down
But stand up! Seize the day!

You were chosen
For such a time as this
To let your light shine
So that others you may bless.

1 comment:

  1. Funny and real!!! We just keep seeing ourselves and the people around around us as we are in the Spirit: Glorified, perfected, totally healed, one with Jesus, In Jesus and "as He is"!!!!! You are a Blessing!!!!


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