Thursday, April 25, 2013

Even 4-Year Olds Have Bad Days - Dealing with Frustration

Today one of my preschoolers had a really bad day.  He came to school and shared how he had a nightmare last night. It was terrible. He dreamt he went to his first day of kindergarten and everyone else had a cubby for their backpack but him.  He ended up having to carry his stuff all day, which made him cry. His day got worse because when he got to preschool one of his friends accidentally elbowed him in the stomach. Ouch!  After recess, just as things started to look up, he forgot that his jacket was hanging on the chain link fence of the playground.  He was trying to pull it through the fence hole only the large portion of the jacket is stuck on the other side of the fence.  He kept pulling and pulling until he couldn't take the frustration any longer and he started to cry.  Luckily, his favorite teacher freed the jacket and picked him up for a great big hug.  It’s amazing how healing great big hugs can be.  To top off his day, right before lunch an over enthusiastic classmate tackled him to the ground while she was playing.  So, needless to say, by nap-time he was done.

As I am listening to him unload his woes to his favorite teacher, I notice that he is lying with his head on her lap.  She is offering him understanding and compassion while she rubs his back putting him to sleep.  He is finally able to relax and rest but his last comment before falling asleep made me smile.  He says, “You know teacher, that girl should really be a football player.”

Recently, I've been listening to a worship song by For King & Country called “Pushing on a Pull Door”.  I never quite understood the meaning of this song until I saw my little frustrated 4-year old pulling on that jacket without realizing that is wasn't going to come loose until he opened the gate and walked around to the other side.  How many of us can relate because we have had days just as frustrating?  Are we hopelessly spending all of our time “pushing on a pull door” growing frustrated thinking, “God, why isn't my life working?”  You see sometimes we want to pull on that small hood of the jacket because it seems faster and easier only the problem is that we can’t see that there is a big obstacle hindering our progress just on the other side of the fence.  God wants us to know that He is standing at the gate, opening it wide, telling us, “Come to me, I know what is hindering your progress because I AM the beginning and the end and I will release you and set you free.”  Then God will wipe away the tears of our frustration and pick us up and give us a holy hug of comfort.  And when we lay down our weary heads to sleep, He will take our burdens unto Himself and give us rest. All we have to do is trust, let go, and stop pulling.

Proverbs 3:5-6 (NLT)
Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take.
Psalm 55:22 (NLT)
Give your burdens to the Lord, and he will take care of you. He will not permit the godly to slip and fall.

Matthew 11:28 (CEB)
Come to me, all you who are struggling hard and carrying heavy loads, and I will give you rest.  


Dedicated to Mindy:)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks again Yolanda! Helping us to experience the Father in every day Life!!!! You are a Blessing!!!!! Jerry


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