Monday, March 20, 2017

To Stand or Not Stand? Is It Even a Question?

Just a warning: This post is not politically correct.
This weekend, a new film opened up. I shall not name the film since I know that people are probably going to be offended by what I’m going to say.
As I see Christians returning from seeing this movie, they are posting on social media how all the controversy regarding the film was blown out of proportion. How it was all hyped up by Christians. They are encouraging everyone to go watch the film.
OK, here comes the offensive part...
The controversy regarding the film came from a direct quote from the director. In an interview, the director said there would be a “nice, exclusively gay moment" in the movie.
This is the same director who, in an interview in 2012, said he wishes he could rip out pages of the Bible.
Christians did not start the controversy. Concerned Christians just took the director at his word. I work with preschoolers, who at 3 and 4 years old, are going to dress up in their costumes to go watch the movie. They expect it to be just like the animated version brought to life. Now, as a teacher or a parent of a 3-4 year old, if the director has pretty much thrown it out there that there is going to be an “exclusively gay moment” in the film, should I take the director at his word and take my preschooler?

See, it doesn’t matter if the moment is subtle or in your face. It doesn’t matter if the moment will go over the head of a preschooler. The question is why would a director advertise that they have put in a scene that's “an exclusively gay moment” when they know the audience includes preschool children. If they were not trying to bring it to the attention of the audience, if it is so subtle, why mention it beforehand?

My question for Christians, and I’m even questioning myself because I seriously don’t know the answer anymore, is when do we take a stand? When do we contribute our money and support that which we claim to disagree with? Do we take a stand when the “moment” is going to be overt? Do we just go and watch because it’s just a film and make believe? Should we not even care because our preschool children live in the world, they are exposed to the world, and should we just conform to the world so we don’t offend anyone? I seriously don’t know anymore. All I can do is read my Bible. What does God’s Word say? What are the passages this director finds so offensive that he wants to rip them out of the Bible? Should these passages of scripture be ripped out for the sake of pleasing the world?

In these Last Days, the lines are going to blur. The world and The Word are going to clash. The Bible says many in the Church will be deceived and will fall away because their love for God will grow cold. All I can do is read, know, and follow God’s Word. If He tells me to stand, I stand. If He tells me to sit, I sit. But, if I don’t read God’s Word, how will I know what He wants me to do when the time comes?

You see, this is about so much more than one film.
It’s about where do we stand on issues like traditional marriage, abortion, sexual immorality, holiness, and Jesus Himself. Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” Where do we stand on Jesus? Because, if you have noticed, Jesus is not politically correct. He offends people. Jesus said, "The world will hate you because of Me." (Matthew 10:22) Some of our Brothers and Sisters in Christ are losing their jobs, homes, businesses, and even lives because they have taken a stand on these issues.
I just read an article, American Christians Cave on Core Beliefs, which states that:

The number of professing Christians is declining in America. And it’s not just because of the media, the public schools or even activism by atheists. It’s because Christians themselves are genuinely ignorant about the tenets of their faith, according to a new study.Americans, who still overwhelmingly identify as Christian, hold contradictory, confused and even heretical beliefs when it comes to God, according to the “State of American Theology Study 2016.”

The reason we are getting confused is because we are letting the world dictate to us what our beliefs should be instead of digging into God’s Word (the Bible) and letting God dictate what our beliefs should be. God’s Word is not confusing. God is not a God of confusion. He has plainly written down His heart, His character, His will, His plan, His expectations for us, His love, and His future for mankind and this world. We can either stumble in darkness and confusion along with the rest of the world or we can stand firm and confident on the Word of God. God said, that everything around us is going to fall away but the His Word will stand forever.

I refuse to be confused.
I will stand on the Word of God.
I will stand on the firm foundation of Jesus Christ who is the author and finisher of my faith. (Hebrews 12:2)

But it is not easy. And it is getting harder every day. Going back to this silly movie, I had decided to take my stand against watching it but then my teen daughter got invited by a Christian friend to go see it.  My daughter could tell by the look on my face that I was not happy but my husband said I was overreacting and I should let her go. And off she went. I was not afraid that the film would negatively affect her in anyway, because being the bad mom that I am, I've let her watch things I regret. I'm not perfect. I'm perfectly flawed. What got to me and what affected me for most of the afternoon was that I caved. I let the world dictate to me where I should stand. I let the world tell me that I was overreacting and being legalistic.

So, to stand or not to stand? It's not even a question. You've heard it said, "If you stand for nothing, you will fall for everything" and that is exactly what the world wants for us to do - to fall. Let's take our stand on on the Rock of our Salvation (Psalm 95:1).


The video below is a must watch message for the Modern Day Church.

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