Monday, November 7, 2016

Prayer for America

LORD GOD, today as thousands upon thousands of Your Followers fast and pray, interceding for America, we boldly come before Your throne, fall on our face in humility and ask for Your mercy and grace on our nation.

LORD, we are:
David facing a boasting Goliath
Moses confronting a cruel Pharaoh
Daniel surrounded by devouring lions
Esther against the corrupt schemes of Haman

And just like Esther went before the king, we go before the King of Kings, and ask You to save us from the evil schemes of the enemy.  We know that we do not battle against flesh and blood but against the powers of darkness. How do we fight the spiritual battle, LORD, only through prayer and speaking Your Word. We pray that You unleash Your angel army over our land, that You give them the power to defeat the demonic forces that have created strongholds over our land. We pray that chains of bondage and deception are broken, in Jesus Name.  We pray for the eyes of the blind to be open, that the veil of deception is lifted.  We pray for spiritual revival and renewal over the land. We pray for Your Holy Spirit to sweep over the oceans, valleys, mountains, cities, from sea to shining sea, penetrating hearts and souls.  

We speak Your Word over the nation.
You are the KING of Kings and LORD of Lords.
The enemy is a defeated foe.
You, Jesus, have the keys to the earth. You rule the earth from Your throne in heaven. We ask that You restore justice to our government. We ask for Your divine protection over the nation. We ask that You prevent corruption and fraud in this election. We give You all the glory and all the honor for the miracle work You are doing and will accomplish. We ask that You give us peace these next few days that surpasses understanding. That we offer hope to those who feel hopeless, that we offer strength to those who feel weak, that we offer wisdom to those who are confused, that we offer Your love to those who are broken. We ask for unity to be restored among the people of this land. We ask for Your blessings because You are a God of unfailing love and unending mercy.

Let today be the day that America turns back to You. Give us the courage and faith to face the outcome, in Jesus Name. Amen. 


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