Saturday, October 20, 2012

Mom's Happy Dance

Whew hew! Oh yeah!  House to myself…doing the happy dance! My husband has taken our daughter on a camping trip and I have a whole 24 hours to myself. Hubby thought I deserved some time to myself since I started home schooling OR he saw some crazy look in my eye but who cares. LOVE HIM.  I am so excited I don’t know what to do first. Should I get a pedicure, a movie, or dinner?  Or all three? Should I be good and clean the house…. NAH! 

There is something wonderful about having moments for yourself, to be quiet and in the company of your own thoughts. This post is going to be really short because I don’t want to waste a minute of these 24 hours. I love my husband and daughter and I am blessed to have them in my life but I couldn't help the spontaneous happy dance as the truck rolled away. FREE, FREE, FREE.  No making dinner, no last minute crisis, no answering a million questions, no sharing the TV or the bed.  I can literally lie in the middle of the bed, hog all the pillows and blankets and watch some sappy love story until all hours of the night.  I am going to de-stress the brain because…..

Home schooling is HARD!  This week tested all of my endurance and patience. My daughter has a science project where she has to create an exciting poster for the four types of energy. She is being graded on creativity.  How do you make a poster on chemical and thermal energy exciting?  I’m the kind of person that has to complete their work early so it is off my back.  I am learning my daughter kind of likes to live on the edge of deadlines. She doesn't stress or worry and doesn't quite get it when I start banging my head on the desk and pulling my hair out.  After struggling the last couple weeks trying to figure out what exactly are chemical and thermal energy (I still don’t get it) I was determined we finish the poster on Friday! It is not due for another week but I don’t care. I couldn't take it haunting me anymore. So four hours later, minus of few tears, which were my own, we finished!  My daughter thinks we won’t get higher than a B- but I can live with that.  I tell you, A’s are overrated. 

I wanted to wrap up this post with some encouraging words but my brain is done processing. I just want to get up and dance, dance, dance. So I'll leave you moms and dads with only this word of encouragement: Give each other those blessed moments of quiet time to refresh and de-stress. It will make you a better parent.  It also provides a wonderful opportunity to spend one-on-one time with your child.  Don’t feel guilty about spending some time on yourself because absence really does make the heart grow fonder. By Sunday, I will be anxious to see my daughter home safe and sound and I will be very grateful to my husband so I won’t mind sharing the remote or the blankets.J

Jeremiah 31:25-26 (CEV) Those who feel tired and worn out will find new life and energy and when they sleep, they will wake up refreshed.

Here’s my favorite Happy Dance song. Take some time to dance with Jesus today.



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