Wednesday, January 18, 2012

OK, I Admit It, Facebook is not the Devil

Just to let you know, this is more of a confessional rant than a devotion. And I have been warned that this topic may be controversial and I could receive hate mail but here goes.  A couple of years ago, my husband went on a presumed innocent “Guy’s Day Out” with his best friend, and came back with news that utterly devastated me.  His friend had helped him open a Facebook account!  I freaked.  My husband will tell you, he runs the roost, he is king of our castle and there are only a few things that I get on his case about. Well, this was one of those things and I think my response actually scared him a bit.  I just lost it and said, “That’s it, we are headed for divorce court. Some hottie from high school is going to come looking for you. You are going to reconnect with some lost love or some lonely single lady is going to friend you and you’re going to get tempted.”  Come on, I’m no dummy, I know what “be my friend” means.

After I had mellowed and backed away from the car because I was about to go kick some best friend behind, my husband reassured me that he only wanted the account to keep up with family who lived out of state. OK….I’m listening.   He also reminded me about how he works out in the field, doesn't have internet access, and most importantly he did what any husband or wife who loves their spouse should do, he gave me the password to his account.  I know, I picked a good hubby.  Soon my worries went away because I realized he didn't have a clue what he was doing on the account.  He isn't one for wasting time on the computer. He’d rather go to Home Depot or work on a manly project.  Also, I may have put a bug in his ear about the dangers of identity theft and child abduction, two of his biggest fears. Plus, silly man used my email address so I get all of his “friend requests”.

Fast forward to present day and I have started my Blog.  One of the suggestions for advertising your Blog is putting the link on Facebook.  So I think to myself, “I hate Facebook”.  But now Facebook is calling to me, saying “Come on, you have hubby’s password.”   My husband is out of town so I decide to take a look.  How bad can it be?  When I log in, the first thing I see is a girl in a bikini. Oh no you didn't! When my blood pressure goes down I realize it is an advertisement.  I didn't know you get random ads on this thing.  I feel like a burglar going through an underwear drawer or a private investigator on a case (I know, I read too many books but whatever), and I am kind of feeling guilty because I just hijacked my husband’s profile to add “married to wonderful wife”.  Please, he just had “married, wife” that’s not even a complete sentence. When suddenly a little Chat box comes up and it’s my best friend from college.  She is someone I consider a sister even though we have not spoken in years.  We got saved around the same time and started our spiritual journey together at a college bible group.  We spent the next two hours “chatting”, reconnecting, uplifting and encouraging one another. She actually walked me through step by step on how to link my Blog to Facebook.  Come on guys, you don’t really think hubby updated the status on his wall writing, “My beautiful wife has started a new Blog”.  I may have embellished a little bit but look how sweet he sounded.

While my friend and I were chatting, we realized what a complete miracle it was that she had logged on at the same time I decided to give Facebook a try. This was no coincidence but a divine appointment.  We have all had them.  Moments in our life when God has stepped in and set the stage for a miracle. Be it a swerved car to avoid an accident, a conversation with a dying friend, meeting the love of your life, events too perfectly precise to be a coincidence.  This reunion with my friend was one of those moments. You see, all joking aside, at this precise moment in my life I was struggling with fear and doubt.  I was debating whether or not to advertise my Blog. Wondering, What am I doing? Am I doing the right thing? Can I do this?  She gave me words of confirmation and encouragement that helped me step off the ledge of my full blown panic attack.  She quoted Scripture to me and told me “You have a gift and you have to share it.”  I needed my friend that night.  God knew it and He arranged the most divine intervention.

Because of this, I am willing to give Facebook a chance.  I know that God works all things together for good to those that love him and are called according to His purpose. Romans 8:28  Unfortunately, there are some that will still have less than honorable intentions when it comes to using Facebook, but the same can be said for any form of communication.  I also know there are many people who use Facebook for good.  Like Joseph said to his brothers that had sold him into slavery, “You planned something bad for me, but God produced something good from it, in order to save the lives of many people“. Genesis 50:20 (Common English Bible)

So now that my husband has given me the OK to share his Facebook account, I may go on it from time to time. I have a feeling he’s not going to use it as much anyways.  I think I might embarrass him a little and he is trying to cyber distance himself from me, but that’s OK.  I actually posted my first comment today regarding some good news a friend shared and I didn't get struck by lightening.  I may even add to our 27 friends but I don’t know that whole process intimidates me.  For instance, if you are under 40, single, attractive and want to be our friend, I’m sorry the answer is NO.  If you are over 40, single and attractive, still No.  Have you heard of Ashton Kutcher?  If you are over 55, happily married, and reasonable attractive, I may consider it.  But you see what I mean?  It’s too much to think about and I am pretty comfortable with our 27 close friends.  Also, can anyone please tell me where the “delete” button is?  I don’t want advertisements with scantily clothed people or lonely people looking for a date.  Also, comments like you just ran to Walmart because you’re out of toilet paper because you had bad Sushi last night, don’t care and I want to delete it.  So for all you die hard Facebook fans, don’t hate me.  I am a work in progress.  I will always prefer face to face communication or better yet, a reasonable compromise, like texting.


1 comment:

  1. Wow! I got you that mad when I encouraged your husband to join Facebook!! Is their any other moments when I got you mad that you want to confess????


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