Saturday, October 13, 2018

Sally Sass Goes to School

I'd like to introduce you to Sally Sass.
Sally Sass is off to school, but there is just one little problem.
Sally Sass is used to being The Boss!
If she doesn't get her way, she gets cranky and cross.

Sally Sass is the newest character in my and Deborah's children's book.
Sally Sass is especially close to our heart. She is based on a multitude of students we have had over the years. It seems that every year in our classroom we have a Sally Sass to contend with. And, I'm sure that every teacher out there can relate and pinpoint a Sally Sass in their own classroom.

These Sally Sass students make us better teachers. It's not easy but it is true. They take extra patience, consistent discipline and guidance, and most importantly God's Golden Rule to be modeled and explained to them.

Such a simple Biblical principal:
Treat others as you want them to treat you. Matthew 7:12 (CEV)
Yet, such a difficult principal to live out, even for us adults.

As we see people in today's society treating each other with disrespect, violence, cruelty, lack of civility, and selfishness, it's no wonder we have created so many Sally Sass children. Look what the adults around them are modeling in their homes, neighborhoods, sport fields, media, and government offices.

Deborah and I can't change the world, only God can do that. However, we can use our God given talent and calling to change the life of one child at a time. If we can model God's love to one Sally Sass and teach her how to become a friend, then when that Sally Sass grows up she will remember to treat others as she would like to be treated.

Our motto is "The World teaches me first. Be 2nd." We are creating a book series that promotes this "BE2ND" attitude. The Manners Heist and now, Sally Sass Goes to School were created as resources for parents and teachers to teach the value of the Golden Rule.
Will you join us in this endeavor?
Do you have a Sally Sass at home or in your class?
Our prayer is that this cute children's book will be a tool you can use in your home or classroom to teach that it is OK to be 2nd. We don't have to always be first. It's not our way or the highway. We get what we get and we don't throw a fit. It's treating others as we want to be treated.

It's time to bring back common courtesy, civility, and respect for one another.
Our new book is available on Amazon and we hope it blesses you.
Sally Sass Goes to School


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