Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Unleashing My Inner Dream Chaser

Every January, I celebrate the New Year and my birthday by unleashing something that has been bottled up inside me.
Sounds painful, I know. But it’s actually a good thing.
First, it was unleashing my inner bombshell where God released me from insecurity and gave me a spirit of boldness.
Then, it was unleashing my inner zombie slayer where God released me from a spirit of fear and gave me a spirit of courage. God is still working on this one since I tend to hold on to fear. 
And, lastly unleashing my inner spirit-filled prayer warrior where God taught me how to armor up with spiritual weapons to fight spiritual battles. 

These "unleashings" have occurred because God has set me free from bondages in my life that have held me back from running the course He has set before me. At the beginning of each year, God gives me the title of my New Year's blog post, which is my spiritual assignment for the year. These assignments have been used to grow my faith, to share the Gospel in new ways, and ultimately to draw me closer to Jesus. 

December was drawing to a close and I had not received my spiritual assignment yet. I was a little bummed. Then, God gave me my spiritual assignment in a totally unexpected way.


On December 23rd, I went to sleep with some concerns on my heart and a prayer on my lips. I asked the LORD whether he wanted me to share the Gospel at an upcoming event. I needed an answer from the LORD quickly so I asked him for a dream. And, low and behold, I got my dream. 

I dreamt that I was watching three objects (a gold lampstand with 3 crosses, a pyramid, and the Jewish temple) ascending into the blue sky, almost like watching helium balloons rising. In my dream, I couldn’t quite make out the Jewish Temple so I asked the LORD to slow down the ascension so I could make it out.  Then I woke up.
I woke up with such excitement because God revealed to me what I am supposed to unleash this year. I am supposed to unleash my INNER DREAM CHASER! 

You see, the number 8 in Biblical terms is considered “New Beginnings”. This is going to be the year of new beginnings. We are going to see miracles and wonders on the earth. God is going to pour out His Spirit like He promised in Joel 2:28-29 and His children will prophecy through dreams and visions.
I've been reading my scripture and hearing sermons lately that have helped me understand my assignment for the year based on this dream. I believe God gave me a prophetic dream - a glimpse of the future. I believe He was letting me know that time is getting short. We are in the last hours of the last days.

Through the Jewish Temple in my dream, God was giving me a glimpse of the hour on the prophetic clock. Jerusalem has moved center stage on the world scene. All this talk of nations moving their embassies to Jerusalem has made Jerusalem a "burdensome stone among all people" (Zechariah 12:2-3). The temple in my dream is also a symbol of the 7-year peace treaty that will be signed soon allowing the 3rd temple to be built. When this happens it will mark the start of the 7-year Tribulation period. 

The pyramid in my dream represents my assignment. God is raising up Josephs this year. Joseph, from his youth, had prophetic dreams. Joseph had been sold by his brothers into slavery and he was held captive in Egypt. During his captivity, Joseph worshipped and relied on the LORD and the LORD showed him favor. God gave Joseph the ability to interpret dreams and God used him to save the people from famine. What Joseph's brothers had intended for evil, God used for good. Joseph was able to save the Egyptians and his family during those 7-years of famine. Joseph was given a warning that there would be 7-years of plenty before the years of famine, so he used that time wisely to prepare. (Genesis 39-42) I believe that is why God is calling up Joseph's in these last days. I believe God is going to give His children dreams and visions so that we will know how to prepare spiritually and physically for the coming famine and dark days. Whether that famine is literal or spiritual, I don't know. The key is to press in close to the LORD in these days like Joseph did. He prayed and asked God for wisdom. We must seek the LORD in these days. Ask for His wisdom. We must read our Bible and know the Word so we can rightly interpret the dreams we are given.

Lastly, the gold lampstand with the 3-crosses represents the church - the Bride of Christ. God is pouring out His oil, which is the anointing of the Holy Spirit, on the church lifting and lighting her up. She will glow brightly as a beacon of hope in a dark world that will be thrown into confusion, fear, and distress. We are the church! God wants to pour out His oil on us. He wants to light us up, raise us up. He wants us to shine brightly, to share the Gospel of salvation, to announce His soon return, and to use wisely these days of plenty to prepare for what is coming.

So, I'm not sure how God wants me to prepare. That is why in 2018 God is unleashing my Inner Dream Chaser. I'm asking for more dreams and more revelation of His Word. I'm seeking more of Jesus and His Holy Spirit! And, I'm knocking on the door of heaven because I want to soak in God's Presence. God has promised us that whoever asks, receives. Whoever seeks, finds. And, whoever knocks, the door will be opened. (Matthew 7:7-8)

So, here I am LORD, use me. Unleash my dreams and visions. Give me Your wisdom and revelation to interpret them and help me to be a Joseph among my people for such a time as this.
In Jesus Name I pray. Amen.

Here is a link to a great sermon on what to expect in 2018 Biblically and prophetically,

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