Friday, March 28, 2014

God Is Dead...In the Noah Movie (2014)

I’m sure most of you have heard there’s controversy surrounding the movie, Noah (2014), especially for Christians. Believers want to support Christian and Biblical films. We hope they will be used to encourage, inspire, and illustrate God’s amazing love for mankind. So I did my research before watching Noah. I was hoping it would have some redeeming qualities that could be used to share the gospel. I believe that in order to support or oppose something you have to be informed; so I took myself to the movies. I went in knowing it was a secular film and that it would not be an accurate portrayal of the Noah of the Bible. BUT I was not expecting God to be completely absent from the film. I mean even for a secular film, you’d think God would at least play a minor role in a movie about a Biblical figure. But in this movie God is dead.

Oh, there is mention of a “Creator” but he’s never referred to as God, and for that I am thankful.  Because the “Creator” in this film has no similarity to my God. There is so much that is terrible about this movie that I felt guilty contributing my $8. But in order to give an honest opinion, I had to watch it. If I try to write all the things that are terrible about this movie it will take too long so I am just going to bullet point them for you. Also, this post is not a devotion on the flood or Noah. This is simply my movie review.

  • First, the movie should be called “Terminators Build a Boat” but that’s an insult to Terminators who are actually really cool. These terminator guys are called “The Watchers” and they are fallen angels who felt bad when the Creator sent Adam and Eve out of the garden. Oh and by the way, in a flashback to the garden, Adam and Eve look like glowing alien creatures. So anyways, these fallen angels get punished for trying to help Adam and Eve and the Creator turns them into rock creatures. They actually do all the building of the boat. I can’t get myself to call it an ark because it looks like a really bad pile of sticks and tar. My preschoolers could have built a better boat with their wooden blocks. 
  • Second, you don’t have to be a Bible scholar to know that “fallen angels” are usually the bad guys. Technically, fallen angels are called demons not "Watchers" and real demons dislike humans. The only thing demons are trying to help mankind do is mess up.  But sadly in this movie, the rock guys are the only ones who bow down to the “Creator” and who ask for forgiveness. But Jesus did say that if the disciples remained silent the stones would cry out and give Him praise (Luke 19:40). So at least the movie got that right.
  • Third, you’d think they’d at least get the animals right. The animals are shown crowding into the boat. I mean why would you need a zillion snakes and a zillion birds? Come on, even my preschoolers know there was only two of each kind of animal (a mommy and a daddy). Oh and just so that the movie could push the evolution agenda, all the animals look like the missing link. And because Noah over-crowed the boat with a bunch of unnecessary missing links, there’s a magic potion to put them all to sleep.    
  • Fourth, there is absolutely no prayer in the movie. Noah never prays to the “Creator”. You’d think if you were instructed to build an ark you’d be having some meaningful and in depth conversations with God. Noah’s wife never prays when Noah goes crazy and starts thinking of himself as a god, judging who gets to live and who gets to die. Maybe the Noah in this movie goes a little crazy because he never prays. Just a thought.
  • Oh and because every good movie must have a Yoda character, Anthony Hopkins gets the Yoda role (Bummer because I love Anthony Hopkins.) I actually feel bad comparing this grandfather to Yoda because Yoda is pretty cool. But anyways, this old guy gets all the credit for spouting off wisdom and for healing a young girl. When actually all this old guy does is give Noah some hallucinating drugged up tea and is only interested in getting his hands on some berries to eat. I know I’m not making any sense here but now you know my pain while watching this movie.
  • Lastly, Noah is just portrayed as a wacko. He’s not portrayed as a good man. When his own son says to him, “I thought you were chosen because you were good.” Noah says, “No, I was chosen because I'd get the job done.” Yeah I know, sounds more like Rambo than Noah. But, then again, that’s an insult to Rambo who is also pretty cool. What really bugged me is the end of the movie. Noah makes statements like he’s God while putting on a creepy snakeskin armband. Now, we all know our Bible stories well enough to know that the “snake” usually represents the Devil. Coincidence? I think not.
There is so much more that I could write but it actually saddens me to write more. Let me tell you what I think are the underlining points this movie is trying to make:
  1. There is no loving God. Just this unfeeling, cruel “Creator” who doesn't speak or care for his people
  2. The only things “innocent” and worth saving are the planet and the animals. Humans are disposable and harm the environment and should therefore be eliminated. The movie even says that the Creator’s miracles are for the animals not people.
  3. And of course make sure to never mention God’s name because that may actually offend someone.
In conclusion, I just want to let you know that my God's NOT dead and here is what He says about His servant Noah in the Bible (Genesis 6-8)
  1. Noah was a just man, perfect in his generations.
  2. Noah walked with God.
  3. God gave Noah specific instructions on how to build the ark. And let me tell you, there is no mention of rock guys and I can pretty much guarantee if God designed it, it did not look like a pile of sticks.
  4. God made a covenant with Noah that He would protect him and his family.
  5. Noah did exactly as God commanded and God said to Noah, “I have seen that you are righteous before me in this generation.”
  6. God kept Noah and his family safe and when the flood waters receded, Noah built an altar to God and praised Him.
Now if you have an extra $8 to spend, I recommend the movie, God’s Not Dead. That movie encourages, inspires, and reminds us how much God loves us. God wants to walk and talk with us like He did Noah. God’s intention is that we are all saved and spend eternity with Him in Heaven. Jesus is our Ark. He’s our safe passage from this world that is passing away to God’s perfect love.

 John 11:25-26 (MSG)
Jesus said, "You don’t have to wait for the End. I am, right now, Resurrection and Life. The one who believes in me, even though he or she dies, will live. And everyone who lives believing in me does not ultimately die at all. Do you believe this?”

So, I'm going to watch my Evan Almighty DVD because that is an awesome, feel good movie and Steve Carell rocked it (no pun intended) as a modern day Noah. You see, I don't need or expect perfect theology in a movie because it's not the Bible but if you are going to make a movie about a Biblical figure at least don't insult them.


Please watch this great teaching video on Noah by Joseph Prince.


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