Monday, August 27, 2018


Do you have a teenager?
If you do, take them to church!
Sorry if I sound bossy but I'm pretty passionate about this.

If you have a teen you need to take them to church on a regular basis.
You have to make church a family priority.
I know, I know....You have sports.
So, do we.
Your teen has too much school work.
So does mine. Church is approximately 90 minutes. Our teens spend way more time on social media on a daily basis.
Your teen whines, complains, and wants to sleep in.
So does mine.
My response is, "Get up. You're going."
She lives in our house, she goes.

I know some of you are going to say that sounds harsh.
It's not.
If they are sick, do you take them to the doctor?
If they have a toothache, do you take them to the dentist?
If they are struggling in school, do you get them a tutor?
If they are in competitive sports, do you get them private coaching?

Most of us in the western church, are going to say yes. We would do anything for our children. Yet, we will neglect their souls. The salvation of their soul is so much more important than sports, academics, and even their future careers. Without having a foundation of Jesus, they will encounter the storms of life and falter. Teens today are facing enormous challenges. They are struggling with identity crises, social media addiction, drug addiction, pornography at their finger tips, depression, anxiety, and increasing suicide rates.

Your teens are going to say, "Church is boring."
Mine just did this Sunday.
I'll ask her, "Did you get a nugget of wisdom from the message of the Bible?"
"Well, yeah....they said that we can get very distracted and stressed with everything in our life, like school and sports, and we need to rest in Jesus."

That's it! One nugget of gold from God's treasure chest of wisdom and love.
One jewel hidden in her heart. And, then next week another little jewel and another and another and so on.

I have a rule in my house, if one of my daughter's friends spend the night on Saturday, they go to church with us on Sunday.
So, Sunday, as I'm walking to church with my daughter and her friend,
I ask them, "Why is going to church important?"
My daughter tells her friend, "Be careful, it's a trick question."
My kid is so funny!
Her friend says, "I don't know?"

I tell her, "Going to church is offering God our sacrifice of time. We are prioritizing Him in our life. We often pray for God to bless us in school, in sports, in relationships, etc. We want Him to pour out His blessing on us, yet we are not even willing to give Him 90 minutes one day a week. He is saying to us, 'I want your heart, I want to bless you, but will you take time to be with Me?' He says to seek Him first, in everything, and then He will give us what we need in this life."

If, as a parent, my teen does not see me prioritize God in my life, by modeling going to church, reading my Bible, and praying, why will she?
If those things are not necessary in my life, she will wonder why they are necessary in her life. However, if I can't live without God, His Word, and being surrounded by Believers, then maybe she'll wonder if she can't live without them. Well, that is my prayer anyways.

Many Christians have stopped going to church. They no longer prioritize it. Some will say they do "home church." I recently heard one of my favorite pastors say that his church started providing online live-stream of his services, and he noticed that his attendance went way down. People who had attended his church for years, now told him that they loved the live-stream because they could stay home in their pajamas, drink coffee, and "do" church. The pastor could not believe it! He said, "That is not church. If you are bed-ridden or ill, then online services are for you. But, if you are able-bodied then you need to get into church."

Jesus is the head of the church. And, yes you could argue that we are the temple of the Holy Spirit so we are the church but....
God said, "Don't neglect meeting together, as other people do, but encourage one another, especially as you see the day of Jesus' return approaching." (Hebrews 10:25) That was a prophetic warning from God. God knew that in the Last Days, Christians would fall away from the faith because they would neglect the assembly of Believers. They would prioritize and idolize the world and they would put aside God from their life. Then, because they were isolated, the Devil would have an easier time targeting them. That is why, God said, "Don't stop getting together with other Believers. You need each other to stay strong. Encourage one another. Where two or more are gathered in My Name, I am in their midst." The Last Days are going to be scary, ugly, and confusing. Look around, we are already in the Last Days. We need to surround ourselves with those who are filled with God's Spirit, who can discern Biblical truth from the world's lies, and with those who will pray with us. Most Christians don't read their Bibles on a daily bases. At least, if they attend a Bible teaching church they will be fed scripture one a week. It's not great but it's better than nothing. Without being part of a church, we are living our Christian life, isolated and we are easy prey for the Devil, who roams around like a roaring lion seeking who he will devour.

Taking your teen to church is no guarantee that they will not stray from the faith. Many will fall away in the last days. We already see it and we've already been warned. But, as for my teen, I'm holding on to God's promise - "Train up a child in the way they should go, and when they are old they will not depart from it." Proverbs 22:6 (EVS)
Also, look at the story of Job. God called him a blameless and upright man. The Bible says that on a regular bases, Job would gather his children and offer burnt offerings for them for the forgiveness of their sins. He made sure his children had "church" regularly. The Bible says Job feared God and shunned evil. God praised Him for his dedication to the LORD.

So, if my child falls away, it will not because of me. I will have done all I can to train her up. I will pray for her and with her daily. I will encourage her to read her Bible. I will share scripture with her daily, even if I have to text it or put it on social media. I will model total dependence on God in every aspect and decision in our life. I will model praying for others. And, as for me and my family, as long as they are under my roof, we will go to church.

So, if you have a teen, for their sake find a Bible teaching, Spirit-filled church and go as a family. Don't let them be like those other people who will be caught unaware by the return of Jesus. As parents, it is our job to be the watchman on the wall, to be informed of the signs of the times, and to stand firm in the faith. Then, and only then, can we expect our children to do the same. 


This morning, I woke up doubting this blog post, thinking it was too harsh. But, The LORD led me to this scripture and confirmed the message - take your teens to church:

Ephesians 4:11-16 (NLT)
11 Now these are the gifts Christ gave to the church: the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, and the pastors and teachers. 12 Their responsibility is to equip God’s people to do his work and build up the church, the body of Christ. 13 This will continue until we all come to such unity in our faith and knowledge of God’s Son that we will be mature in the Lord, measuring up to the full and complete standard of Christ.

14 Then we will no longer be immature like children. We won’t be tossed and blown about by every wind of new teaching. We will not be influenced when people try to trick us with lies so clever they sound like the truth. 15 Instead, we will speak the truth in love, growing in every way more and more like Christ, who is the head of his body, the church. 16 He makes the whole body fit together perfectly. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love.

Sunday, August 19, 2018


Some of you may have heard of the controversy regarding the Harvest Crusade this year.  Sadly, for the first time in 29 years of holding this event, billboards showing Greg Laurie holding a Bible were deemed offensive by some people and the billboards were removed from shopping malls.

Interestingly, the book being held up by Greg Laurie did not even have the word “BIBLE”, however just the inference of the book offended people.

Some may wonder, “Why has the BIBLE become so offensive?”
But, the Word of God has always been offensive.
Jesus is called, The Word of God, and Jesus said, “People will be offended by Me, and they will hate you because of Me.”
That is why crosses offend, monuments with the ten commandments offend, prayer on sport fields offends, our president praying in Jesus name offends, the land of Israel offends, business owners standing on Biblical principals offend, and pastors holding Bibles offend.

You see, those offended feel instinctively the power of the Bible. It literally makes the hair on the back of their heads stand up and they recoil from the power of God’s Word. They don’t even understand why it causes them such anger, they just know that they can’t stand to be in its’ presence.

I remember before I was even a Christian, I came home from watching a horror film to an empty house. I was petrified of being home alone and I grabbed my sister’s Bible and slept with it. Even, as a Non-Believer, I knew there was power in that book to ward off evil. Years ago, I remember a friend telling me she slept with her Bible when she was going through a painful divorce because it brought her comfort.

You see, the Bible is not just an ordinary book. It is a love letter full of promises for those who will claim them. God's love is powerful. His love changes hearts, minds, and lives. However, for those who are opposed to God’s love, His Word is dangerous.

You see, God says, “My Word is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges thoughts and attitudes of heart.” (Hebrews 4:12)

That is why those offended by the Bible will burn it, spit on it, step on it, sue others because of it, and demand that it be removed from their presence. They feel its’ power to the depth of their souls. They feel it penetrating and dividing their soul and spirit and judging their thoughts and attitudes of their hearts. However, they are fighting a losing battle. They can tear down monuments and billboards, shut down Christian businesses, and outlaw prayer, but the Word of God will never go away. God has declared, “Heaven and earth will pass away, but My Words will never pass away. The Word of God endures forever.” (Matthew 24:35; Isaiah 40:8)

What I find even sadder than those offended by the Bible, is that many Christians possess this book, yet they are immune to it’s power. Their Bibles sit collecting dust on their shelves or nightstands. They may even carry it back and forth to church, yet the pages are still crisp on the corners because they have never been turned.

If those offended by this book can intuitively sense the power in God’s Word, why can so many Christians live without that same power?

I know what it’s like to live the Christian life powerless. I did for 20 years. I was so lukewarm in my faith that I did not even know my spirit was dying of thirst. I was barely surviving getting drops of spiritual water every time I went to church. But, once I opened God’s Word, and read for myself the promises available to those who Believe, I now cannot imagine my life without tapping into God’s power.

This is how I know the Bible has power to impact my life:
 Recently, I was extremely worried and stressed about a petition I had to file on behalf of my daughter. Now, you fellow parents know, there is no greater worry than something affecting your child. It is a burden on your heart and soul. So, I went to bed burdened in prayer that this petition would be approved by the “courts of man.” When, I woke up and did my daily Bible reading, I read the passage in 2 Chronicles 20 about King Jehoshaphat who loved God and worshiped him. When Jehoshaphat was facing a battle against fierce enemies, he called upon the LORD in the temple and fasted and prayed. The LORD told him:
2 Chronicles 20:17 (NLT)
But you will not even need to fight. Take your positions; then stand still and watch the LORD’s victory. He is with you, O people of Judah and Jerusalem. Do not be afraid or discouraged. Go out against them tomorrow, for the LORD is with you!”

When I read that verse, the Holy Spirit in me, said, “Yolanda, that promise to Jehospaphat and the people of Judah and Jerusalem is for you. Take it, hide it in your heart. Take your position, fill out all the necessary documents, turn them in, and then stand still in faith, don’t be afraid and discouraged. I will give you victory tomorrow.”

Well, I read that verse on July 27. Tomorrow came and went and no victory. Only, requests for more paperwork, more hoops to jump through. And, yet I would remember God’s promise to me. So, I’d pray and stand still. Another tomorrow came and went. About 15 days after reading God’s promise, I started to get discouraged. I would call for updates and would be told that the decision was still under review. The deadline was soon approaching, and I did not have my victory yet. Then I started to doubt, thinking, “Maybe I misunderstood. Maybe it was just a verse in the Bible and the promise wasn’t really for me.” So, I’d call out to God and ask Him, “LORD, was that promise for me? I’m holding on to it. Your Word says to hold fast to Your promises.”

On Friday, August 17, at 3:14 pm, three weeks after reading God’s promise, I received a phone call that the decision on my daughter’s petition would come in on Monday the 20th. Monday was the deadline. Nothing like being down to the wire. Then, I spent the next 40 minutes in fervent prayer, reminding God of His promise to me in the Word. Telling Him I was going to hold fast to that promise.

At 4:00 pm that same day, I received a call that the petition had been approved!
Not Monday, but literally 46 minutes later.

It was God loving me so much that He said, “I’ve heard your prayers. I gave you that promise in My Word and confirmed it through the Holy Spirit. I saw you hold on to it in faith. Didn’t I tell you, not to be afraid or discouraged, that I would be with you? You wouldn’t even have to fight. I’d fight for you and the victory would be Mine! Remember, My daughter, the fervent prayers of My children avail much. Now, go and tell others how much I love them and that My promises are for them also!”

So, I’m telling you now. God’s promises in His Word are for you! But, you won’t be able to hold on to those promises if you don’t read them for yourself. I can tell you, the Bible says this and that, pastors can tell you the Bible says this and that, but until you read it for yourself and the Holy Spirit confirms those promise to you, you are living your life anemic of God's hope and life giving power.

If those who hate God and all He stands for can intuitively sense the power in the Bible, shouldn’t we who claim to love God and all He stands for long for that same power?

God is telling His church:
Jesus, my Son, is coming back soon. Yet you don’t know the signs of His coming because you are not reading My Word that tells you what to look for. You are asleep. It’s time to wake up! My people are perishing for lack of knowledge. Open up My Word, it's a love letter to you. I’ve revealed My heart and offered you a heavenly treasure to give you an abundant life, filled with power and strength. Yet you chose to travel this world in weakness where the Devil prowls waiting to devour you. My children, open up My Word, hide it in your heart so that you will not sin against Me, read My promises to you, call upon Me and seek Me with your whole heart, and you will find Me. Get to know Me as I know you. I am compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in loving devotion for you. 

So, I don’t know about you, but for me and my house we will serve the LORD and hold on to His promises. I pray that you will too.


PS: Thank you to my prayer partners who held me up in prayer for the last three weeks. I love you. 
Matthew 18:20 - Where two or three gather in My name, I am with them.

Friday, August 10, 2018

Missing You, Miss Donna

One year ago today, I could say that I lost my good friend, Donna. But, I have not lost her. I know exactly where she is. She's gone ahead of me to our eternal home, Heaven, where she is hanging out with Jesus.

While I miss her physical presence here in this temporary home of earth everyday, I know that through the power of the Holy Spirit, when I see her picture in my class and home, I can talk to her, laugh with her, and even cry with her.

One day soon, when that trumpet blasts and Jesus calls me home, I will be caught up in the air to meet Him, and I'm pretty sure that she'll be the first one there to greet me, saying, "What took you so long?"

Love you, Miss Donna. See you soon.


1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 (NLT)
The Hope of the Resurrection
And now, dear brothers and sisters, we want you to know what will happen to the believers who have died so you will not grieve like people who have no hope. For since we believe that Jesus died and was raised to life again, we also believe that when Jesus returns, God will bring back with him the believers who have died.
We tell you this directly from the Lord: We who are still living when the Lord returns will not meet him ahead of those who have died. For the Lord himself will come down from heaven with a commanding shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trumpet call of God. First, the believers who have died will rise from their graves. Then, together with them, we who are still alive and remain on the earth will be caught up in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. Then we will be with the Lord forever. So encourage each other with these words.