Wednesday, May 6, 2015

If My People...

The first Thursday in May is the National Day of Prayer in America. For the past year, I've felt an overwhelming need to pray for my country; waking up at 3:00 a.m. burdened to pray. I've been trying to share this burden with others because, SERIOUSLY, it’s heavy! And it would make me feel so much better if everyone around me saw the world like I do – a world going to hell in a hand basket. But sadly, even some of the people closest to me are rolling their eyes, looking at me like I’m Chicken Little yelling, “The sky is falling.”

When I see so much evil in the world, I wonder what good can my little prayers do. I’m just one very flawed person, who casts very small prayers. BUT than I remind myself that my small prayers go out to a very BIG God and God works miracles with the prayers of flawed people. He values the prayers of every single person. For example, before God was going to destroy Sodom due to the evil that had permeated the city, Abraham asked God for mercy because his nephew Lot lived in Sodom. Abraham asked God, “Will you destroy the righteous along with the wicked?” Out of affection and regard for Abraham, God was merciful to Lot and sent angels to escort Lot and his family out of the city before it was destroyed. (Genesis 18-19) So if the prayers of one man could save his family, than so can our prayers. God’s Word explains why we should pray for our country. 

2 Chronicles 7:14 (AMP)
If My people, who are called by My name, shall humble themselves, pray, seek, crave, and require of necessity My face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, forgive their sin, and heal their land.

First, whom is God calling to pray? This promise from God was directed to Solomon after Solomon dedicated the temple to God and asked for mercy and grace for the Israelites. So, the Israelites were responsible for praying. However, this promise is also available to us if we are Believers in Jesus Christ. When we accept Jesus into our hearts as Lord and Savior, we are adopted into God’s family, and just like adopted children take on the name of their new parents so we take on His Name - Christians.

Shall humble themselves – Just like Solomon humbled himself and asked the Lord to forgive the Israelites when they sinned, so we must humble ourselves, acknowledge our need for God, and ask for forgiveness. (2 Chronicles 6:18-42)

Pray and Seek My Face – once we have acknowledged our need for God, than we must pray and seek God's Holy Spirit presence in our life. We must crave God’s Spirit to transform our minds, hearts, and souls. Than God can use us to spread His message of salvation available through His Son, Jesus. 

Turn from our wicked ways – it’s not good enough to just acknowledge our need to God and pray to him. We must turn from our wicked ways. What does this mean? It means that we have to eliminate any and all idols from our life. Anything we value more than God is an idol in our life. Idols can be material possessions, fame, money, and sadly even the worship of our self.  

When we are willing to do this, humble ourselves, acknowledge our need for God, ask for forgiveness of our sins, and put Him back on the throne of our lives, then He promises He will hear from heaven and heal our land.

So, if the state of the world terrifies you for the sake of your family and friends, than its time to claim the promise God offers us in 2 Chronicles 7:14. You see, I've been asking God the same question Abraham asked, “God, for the sake of those who have been made righteous by the blood of your Son, Jesus, will you destroy us along with the wicked? Have mercy on us like you did Lot, give us the courage to warn others like the angels warned Lot and his family, and remove us from harms way before the Great Tribulation comes.”

Sadly, not everyone is going to listen. Some will still laugh and call me Chicken Little just like Lot’s son-in-laws laughed and thought he was joking. They refused to listen to the warning and stayed in Sodom and perished. (Genesis 19:14) However, even though at times I feel like no one is listening, God is still calling and waking me up to pray and I’m holding tight to His promise. 

Will you join me in praying for our land and yours? God is calling us to pray, not just this Thursday but everyday. Do you hear the urgent call? I pray you do. 
