Once during our preschool chapel, we prayed to accept Jesus into our hearts and as children went forward to pray she exclaimed, "I feel Jesus in my heart!"
As she said it, the atmosphere in our classroom was charged with the Holy Spirit's presence so much that I got literal goosebumps.
Her kindness to others inspired my new book called, Bea Kind. This children's book is beautifully illustrated by Deborah Delaney. She brought the spirit of this child to life in every page. As you follow Bea Kind through her day, you'll see her plant seeds of kindness on her way - impacting her family, school, and community.
This sweet little story will inspire children of all ages to plant their own seeds of kindness wherever they go.
Was the Bea Kind in my class a perfectly behaved child? No. As I recall, she stuck her tongue out at me twice. I probably deserved it. However, what made her special was that she reflected God's love so sweetly and purely. Jesus said, "The kingdom of God is made up of ones such as these." (Luke 18:16) God is calling each of us to Bea Kind.
Jesus said, "The world will know you are my disciples by your love." (John 13:35) Not by our Bible knowledge, reciting memory verses, church attendance, or even positions in ministries. Jesus said, "It's your love for one another that will be a reflection of who I am."
Being kind is not always easy, especially as we get older. Sometime, we want to stick out our tongue at the world. The only way to Bea Kind is with Jesus in our hearts. Through His Spirit living in us, overflowing out of us, we can plant seeds of kindness wherever we go.
At a time when the world is becoming more and more unkind, with people having no regard or respect for the elderly, children, and even devaluing the life of the unborn, this book will hopefully inspire children to model for us older folks the love of Jesus for all of humanity. That is my prayer for this book.
For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life. (John 3:16)

Seeds of kindness it's what I hope to remember as I go about my day! It sounds like a great book I will order it. Josefine