Monday, January 29, 2018

Call 911

A few weeks ago, I felt the need to go up to my local mountaintop to intercede in prayer for California because, sadly, she needs a divine intervention if she is going to survive.

So, I invited a couple of my prayer companions to join me in my prayer hike and we asked God to do a miracle in our state this coming year. It was glorious. I came off that mountaintop feeling like Moses!
Well, unfortunately, that feeling only lasted until bedtime. That evening, my mountaintop experience turned into a nightmare…literally.

I dreamt that my companions and I were driving down a mountain except this mountain was brown and desolate instead of lush and green. The sky was ominous. I knew in my dream that we had started down the mountain too late and it would soon be dark. Before me, the road split off into many different directions. Off in the distance, I could see the last of the cars driving away to safety but I could not figure out how to get there. Suddenly, our car died. We tried our cell phones but we had no service. We began to grow fearful and then I woke up. Instantly, I felt the need to pray and recite Psalm 91. I text my companions that morning and urged them to pray Psalm 91 over themselves, their families, and homes.

When we desire to go deeper and higher in our faith with Jesus, when we intercede in prayer for those in bondage to the enemy, or when we share the Gospel with those who are unsaved, the enemy will come in for a spiritual attack trying to rob and destroy us of our purpose. He will make us feel isolated, lost, distracted, and far from God. This was symbolized in my dream by the many roads leading me to confusion and my car dying and no cell-phone service.

Recently, I was studying Matthew chapters 1-2 where God spoke to Joseph in four dreams.
In the first dream (Matthew 1:20), an angel appeared to Joseph to explain that Mary was going to have a baby conceived by the Holy Spirit. God used this dream to reveal truth and purpose.
In the second dream (Matthew 2:13), an angel appeared to Joseph to warn him to flee from danger.
In the third dream (Matthew 2:19), an angel appeared to Joseph to give him instructions to move his family back to Israel.
In the fourth dream (Matthew 2:22), Joseph was fearful and he was warned of danger and told exactly where to move his family.
These four dreams give us an idea of how God speaks to us in our dreams. He can use our dreams to reveal truth, give us revelation, to instruct or guide us, or He can warn us of coming danger.

I believe my dream was a warning dream of a personal spiritual attack, but my Heavenly Father, in His unfailing love, gave me the means to protect myself. He told me to pray Psalm 91.

Interestingly, God had put it on my heart to gift famed pictures of Psalm 91 to all my friends and family for Christmas. I had an urgency in my heart for everyone I love to have this powerful prayer of protection in his or her home. I wrote them all a letter urging them to pray it out loud over themselves, their family, and their homes.

Many people are being warned in dreams and visions to pray Psalm 91. A very good friend of mine just had a dream where she was in her home in the mountains and it was dark and scary outside. She could see people outside her home and as she approached the door, on the window beside the door, people’s faces and hands appeared pressing in. They wanted to get her so she started screaming, “Call 911. Call 911. Call 911.” She woke her husband and kept repeating, “Call 911.” Later it was impressed upon her spirit that God was telling her in her dream to pray – to call out – Psalm 91:1
Psalm 91:1 (NLT)
Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty.

I believe this was another warning dream about the evils that are outside of God’s protective shelter. When we live inside the shelter of the Most High (represented by my friend being inside her home safe from the evil outside) God will protect us. God was impressing on my friend the need to share this dream with others.

I’m reading a great book called, Psalm 91 Real-Life Stories of God’s Shield of Protection and What This Psalm Means For You & Those You Love, by Peggy Joyce Ruth and Angelia Ruth Schum.  In the book they give amazing testimonies of people who have been miraculously saved from rape, death, natural disasters, catastrophes of war, and illness when they claim the promises of Psalm 91.
In the book, they write:
At a time when there are so many uncertainties facing us, it is more than comforting to realize that God not only knows ahead of time what we will be facing but also makes absolute provision for us. Someone once pointed out, “It is interesting that the world must have gotten its distress 911 number from God’s answer to our distress call – Psalm 91:1.” (page 110)

There is some divine reason why God is placing this Psalm of Protection on the hearts of many of His children at this time. Don’t take the warning lightly. Just like Joseph followed the instructions and warnings God gave him in his dreams, and led his family to safety, so we should heed God’s warning and instructions to us in Psalm 91.
God’s message is clear:
Live in My shelter and stay under My wings.
He also promises that if we love Him and know His name, He will:
Deliver us
Set us on high
Answer us when we call
Rescue us
Honor us
Reward us with long life and give us His salvation.

So, I don’t know about you, but I’m praying Psalm 91 over my family and home everyday! I don’t know what the future holds but I know who holds the future in His hands. I want to be protected by those hands!

May the LORD keep you under the shelter of His Wings.

Thank you to my good friend, Deborah, for painting these beautiful angel wings.  I pray they are blessing every home in which they are displayed with God's Word. 

Those who live in the shelter of the Most High
will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty.
This I declare about the LORD:
He alone is my refuge, my place of safety;
He is my God, and I trust him.
For He will rescue me from every trap
and protect me from deadly disease.
He will cover me with His feathers.
He will shelter me with His wings.
His faithful promises are my armor and protection.
I will not be afraid of the terrors of the night,
nor the arrow that flies in the day.
I will not dread the disease that stalks in darkness,
nor the disaster that strikes at midday.
Though a thousand fall at my side,
though ten thousand are dying around me,
these evils will not touch me.
I will open my eyes, and see how the wicked are punished.
If I make the LORD my refuge, if I make the Most High my shelter,
no evil will conquer me; no plague will come near my home.
For He will order His angels to protect me wherever I go.
They will hold me up with their hands so
I won’t even hurt my foot on a stone.
I will trample upon lions and cobras;
I will crush fierce lions and serpents under my feet!
The LORD says, “I will rescue those who love Me.
I will protect those who trust in My name.
When they call on Me, I will answer;
I will be with them in trouble.
I will rescue and honor them.
I will reward them with a long life and give them My salvation.”
I pray this psalm of protection in Jesus Name. Amen.

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