Sunday, January 10, 2016

Massage From Hell

One of my first blog posts was titled, Bicycle Ride from Hell and, until today, nothing had warranted a similar title.

You know that expression, “I should have listened to my Dad?” Well, that expression kept running through my head for a torturous hour. You see, for Christmas, I received a gift certificate for a full-body massage. I know, that sounds awesome. That’s what I thought.

The reason I say I should have listened to my Heavenly Dad is because He’d been giving me warnings to not use that gift certificate. Such as:

  • A friend who’d been to a similar place had ended up needing a chiropractic adjustment. But I figured that was a different place so how bad could it be.
  • Another friend who had also received the same gift certificate went a few days before and ended up with a male massage therapist. Now, I know there is nothing wrong with male massage therapists, I just don’t feel comfortable and prefer a female therapist. But I figured, I could request a female and that problem would be solved.
  • The first time I called to inquire about making an appointment, the receptionist could not understand English so after several attempts to communicate, I hung up. But I felt bad wasting the gift certificate so I called back and was able to schedule an appointment.
  • I walked in for appointment and it took 10 minutes to explain why I was there. They just kept staring at me like I’d lost my marbles. It almost seemed like they were trying to talk me out of staying. I should have taken that as a clue. 
  • After being situated in my room and reminding them that I wanted a female massage therapist, a male walked in. I kindly reminded them again. I could hear them arguing in the hall in a foreign language, where I’m sure they were plotting my torture plan. I was ready to bolt. Unfortunately, I hesitated too long and the female therapist walked in and motioned me away from the corner where I was cowering. At this point, I was pretty scared. But I figured, what’s the worst that could happen?
Do you remember that scene from the Doris Day film, Move Over, Darling? Doris Day’s character has been presumed dead for several years and her husband remarries. On the same day as the wedding, Doris Day returns to claim her husband. Understandable, she’s upset so she pretends to be a Swedish Massage Therapist and lets the new wife have it! She sits on her back. Slaps her around. Pinches. Pulls. Now, picture that scene ten times worse and you will know how my massage went. As I’m getting my back slapped, I start praying, “Jesus, I’m sorry I didn’t listen. Please forgive me. But please don’t let me have any permanent damage.”

As I sit here writing, because that’s how I deal with shock and trauma, I’m thinking, “Heavenly Dad, when am I going to learn to listen to You?” If I listened to God more it would save me a lot of pain - literally! He’d given me all of those warning signs about this place and an uneasy feeling in my spirit and I still charged full speed ahead.

At church today, our pastor was talking about Matthew 5:48 (AMP)

You, therefore, will be perfect [growing into spiritual maturity both in mind and character, actively integrating godly values into your daily life], as your heavenly Father is perfect.

Jesus was telling His Followers that it was time to grow up, to be spiritually mature in mind and character. He doesn’t expect us to be “perfect”. Thank the LORD for that. But He expects us, through the power of the Holy Spirit, to grow and mature into more of the Father’s likeness.  

I write this to give my friends a chuckle because stuff like this happens to me all the time! But also because no matter how embarrassing, I think God wants me to share it with you. I believe in 2016, God is calling His church to spiritual maturity in both mind and character. God has warned us that in the End Times, there is going to be a great falling away of Christians from the faith (2 Thessalonians 2:3). Many will be deceived by the world. Even some pastors and religious leaders will be preaching a false gospel and Christians, who do not heed the Spirit or know the Word of God, will be lead astray. It’s no longer OK to remain baby Christians and get spoon fed the Bible from others or live without walking in The Spirit. We need to mature into spiritual adults and feed ourselves the Word of God daily. We need to pray to be filled with the power of the Holy Spirit so He can teach us all things and help us remember what Jesus said. We need to learn to heed the Holy Spirit's prompting so we stay away from crazy massage therapists, but also away from those who are trying to hurt us physically, mentally, and spiritually. Watch this amazing teaching on heeding Holy Spirit and prayer: Sid Roth's It's Supernatural, Partnering with Holy Spirit in "Prophetic Prayer".

John 14:26 (AMP)
But the Helper (Comforter, Advocate, Intercessor—Counselor, Strengthener, Standby), the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name [in My place, to represent Me and act on My behalf], He will teach you all things. And He will help you remember everything that I have told you.

So this is my prayer this year:
LORD it’s almost my birthday. I’m going to be 47 this year. It’s time that I spiritually grow up. Fill me anew with your Holy Spirit. Open my eyes to see clearly the direction you want me to travel. Open my ears and clean out the junk that makes me deaf to Your wisdom and council.  Help me to focus my mind on learning more about You and help me to take that knowledge from my head to my heart. Transform me into more of a reflection of You and less of me. My prayer for this year, Jesus, is that I learn to walk with You daily. Help me to be like Enoch who walked with you daily until you took him home. And please heal my neck and back from any permanent injury. In Jesus Name, Amen.

May 2016 bring us closer to the physical return of Jesus but, until then, may we abide in His Holy Spirit's presence. 

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