So, I started running.
I was 46 years old and overweight.
It was not easy.
But slow and steady became my mantra.
This Thanksgiving Day, I ran my sixth 5K.
It was the hardest one yet. All hills.
I refused to walk. I wanted to run the whole way. Every hill was test of my endurance.
I have never prayed more during a run than today.
With every step, I asked God to fill me with His Holy Spirit, to give me His strength. I asked Jesus to run along side of me and cheer me on.
As the praise music from my headphones renewed my spirit, I thought about how far I’d come in one year. My transformation has been more spiritual than physical. I used to say I couldn’t do something before even trying. I’d quit before I’d even start. God has shown me that all things are possible for those who trust in Him to get them over the hills and through the finish line.
There’s a story in the Bible (Mark 9:20-24) of a father who asked Jesus to help his son. The father used the word “if”. “Jesus, if you can help…”
Jesus replied, “If? All things are possible for those who believe.”
The father replied, “I believe. Help me overcome my unbelief.”
That’s the journey I’ve been on with Jesus this last year.
“Jesus, I believe. Help me overcome my unbelief.”
Not just with running but in all areas of my life.
When I’m stressed, I cry out, “I believe. Help me overcome my unbelief.”
When I’m in trouble, I cry out, “I believe. Help me overcome my unbelief.”
When I fear the future, I cry out. “I believe. Help my overcome my unbelief.”
Jesus keeps reminding me, “Everything is possible, Yolanda, when you believe. Just keep your eyes focused on Me. I’ll see you through to the finish line.”
This Thanksgiving, maybe you’re facing a hill that seems insurmountable. Maybe you feel like quitting before you take the first step. Those are the times to press in close to Jesus. Press in as close as you can by reading His Word and by inviting Jesus to run with you through life. The Bible says we enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise. That means we enter into His presence by remembering who He is and what He has done for us. And when we do, here is what God promises to do.
A message from the high and towering God, who lives in Eternity, whose name is Holy:“I live in the high and holy places, but also with the low-spirited, the spirit-crushed, and what I do is put new spirit in them, get them up and on their feet again.” Isaiah 57:15-16 (MSG)God will put a new spirit in you. His Spirit. He’ll exchange your low and crushed spirit with His Spirit, and He’ll get you up and on your feet again. Will you take that first step towards God? He’s waiting for you to open your heart to Him so He can pour out His Spirit and fill your heart with His love. (Romans 5:5)
Happy Thanksgiving.
I pray the LORD pours out His Spirit on you wherever you are. I pray He comforts the brokenhearted. I pray His angels sustain those persecuted and imprisoned for the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I pray He provides for those in need. I pray He appears in visions and dreams to those who are searching for Him. I pray He strengthens and renews the faith of those facing trials and tribulations. Jesus, we long for Your return! Come quickly, LORD,
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