Friday, December 12, 2014

How The Snowman Stole Christmas - A Christmas Devotion

Most of you know I’m kind of Christmas challenged.
So I decided it was time to talk to God about this.
God, why do I always turn into The Grinch this time of year?  
Why do I always want to avoid giving gifts? I know I’m cheap but there’s got to be more to it than that.
Why do I always want to go on vacation and come back after New Years?

Suddenly, it all came back to me…
How the Snowman stole my Christmas spirit.

Years ago, I was coordinating Mexico mission trips for my church. What were they thinking? I know! I must have really hidden my cray-cray tendencies. It was definitely a humbling and growing experience. Anyways, this particular year, I wanted to do a craft with the children. I’m not a crafter so I selected something from the “Crafting for Dummies” guidebook. Miracle of miracles, the snowman was a hit! None of the snowman looked like the picture above, but there was such genuine joy and gratitude that went into each one that you would have thought we’d given the children a priceless treasure. We even ran out of socks until the church volunteers started taking off their own socks so no child would go without. The children didn't complain about the stinky socks. They were just grateful to receive one. Amazing! We topped off the day serving lunch, playing soccer, a piñata, and finally handing out a wrapped present for each child. It was probably the best trip ever!

Overcome with good cheer and joy, I wanted to pass on this feeling to my family. So for Christmas, I decided to gift them each a snowman. Well, “A Relative Who Shall Remain Nameless” took one look at the thing and started throwing it across the room like a football. The entire family got in on the joke and started laughing. As I watched in embarrassment and indignation my snowman flying across the room, I declared loudly, “I will NEVER craft again!”

I know that this relative was just joking around. He only saw the value of worthless sock stuffed with cotton. In retrospect, I realized that what I was hoping to share was not a cute snowman, but the Spirit of Christmas I had experienced on that mission trip. My hurt and disappointment resulted not from their rejection of a sock snowman, but in their rejection of the Spirit in which the snowman was offered.

I think that’s why I stress so much when it comes to this time of year. I’ll rack my brain trying to come up with a perfect gift that will somehow share the True Spirit of Christmas when really The Perfect Gift has already been given. God has given The Perfect Gift – His Son Jesus. I can’t force the “Christmas Spirit” onto people. And just like I can’t give the perfect gift, I can’t accept it on their behalf either. God’s Gift is uniquely, lovingly packaged, and delivered to each person individually. It has to be a private exchange between God and the individual. Each person has free will to accept the gift or throw God’s precious gift away. So my prayer is may we never forget the value of The Gift and may we know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that God the Father has given each of us the best Christmas Gift of all.

For a Child has been born - for us!
The gift of a Son - for us!
The government will be upon His shoulders.
And He will be called:
Wonderful Counselor,
 Mighty God,
 Everlasting Father,
 Prince of Peace.
His government and its peace will never end.
For God so loved the world,
that he gave his only Son,
 that who ever believes in him
should not perish but have eternal life.
For the wages of sin is death,
but the FREE GIFT of God
 is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
But to all who received and accepted
He gave the right to become children of God.

Merry Christmas!

Isaiah 9:6 (MSG, NLT), John 3:16 (ESV), Romans 6:23 (ESV), John 1:12 (NLT)

Monday, November 24, 2014

From Complaining to Thanksgiving

Recently, I spoke to a friend who was having a self-confessed “pity party” and she invited me to the party to ask for my counsel. Her problems where bigger than any answers I could come up with and she was in such a hopeless state that my heart broke in compassion. I felt like I couldn't offer her any advice until I remembered some words of wisdom I received last year. Every time you feel like complaining, stop and thank God for something. Start small and work your way up.

Thank you God that I woke up this morning.
Thank you God that I’m breathing.
Thank you God that my heart is beating.
Thank you God for my health.
Thank you God for my car.
Thank you God for a roof over my head.
Thank you God for food to eat.
Thank you God for my family and friends.
And so on and so on….

I often lose sight of Jesus when I’m focusing on myself. When I feel sad, mad, or hurt, I emotionally shut down. When my problems are overwhelming, I want to run. When I’m fearful, I want to hide. I'm learning to stop the downward emotional cycle by changing my spiritual attitude from complaining to thanksgiving.

When I choose to give thanks to God in obedience, laying down my attitude at His feet, my thanksgiving eventually turns into worship and praise. I am purposefully taking the focus off my circumstances and back to the characteristics and promises of God. Humbled by the majesty and greatness of God, my problems shrink back into proportion.

Did you know it is God’s will that we give him thanks in all circumstances (1 Thessalonians 5:15) The good, the bad, the ugly.

Because when we give thanks we are reminded of his goodness and steadfast love. (Psalm 107:1)

For He has given us every good and perfect gift. (James 1:17)

We should give God the thanks he is due because he is righteousness and just. (Psalm 7:17)

It’s spiritually dangerous to deny God’s goodness by neglecting to worship and give him thanks. In our foolishness and pride, we exchange the glorious, ever-living God for useless idols (Romans 1:20-23).

When we change our attitude from one of complaining to one of praise, we remember that He is the God who made us, we are his, and that his love for us is everlasting. We than come into his presence with singing. We enter into his gates with thanksgiving and a thank offering. We enter into his court with praise. We are instructed to be thankful and tell him so. We are to bless and affectionately praise His Name. (Psalm 100:1-5 AMP)

So this Thanksgiving, in addition to thanking God for all He has done for me, I’m going to give Him thanks for who He is: KING, LORD, CREATOR, SAVIOR, THE GREAT I AM, WHO WAS, AND IS, AND IS TO COME. 

Psalm 105:1-8
Praise the Lord and pray in his name!
Tell everyone what he has done.
Sing praises to the Lord!
Tell about his miracles.
Celebrate and worship his holy name with all your heart.
Trust the Lord and his mighty power.
Remember his miracles and all his wonders and his fair decisions.
You belong to the family of Abraham, his servant;
you are his chosen ones, the descendants of Jacob.
The Lord is our God, bringing justice everywhere on earth.
He will never forget his agreement or his promises, not in thousands of years.

Happy Thanksgiving.

Below is a video of an awesome sermon titled, "Extreme Thankfulness". The sermon starts at 46:12 on video. Great teaching.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

How To Motivate God's Way

Recently I took a spin-class with a crazy-intense instructor. She was a self-confessed sports mom and she was scarrrry.  She yelled loudly throughout the entire class…
"There are two type of spinners: 1) those that listen and push themselves 2) those that cheat. I hate cheaters! There are winners and there are losers. Which one are you?”
I felt really sorry for the two poor losers who had to sneak out early. You could feel her disapproving stare.

Then she stalked around the class checking to see if we were cheating. In the background, she played a motivational audio with a Darth Vader voice, “Don’t be a quitter. Learn to feel comfortable with being uncomfortable.” She proudly admitted playing this audio for her children before their sports games.

Do you think this motivated me?
Nope. I found myself ignoring her, escaping into my happy place, pretending to be spinner #1 while really being spinner #2 (Sshh…don’t tell). 

While spinning, a conversation I had with a family friend came to mind. This friend used to be a professed Believer in Jesus Christ. He attended and served in church for over 20 years. Then for various reasons, disappointments, moral failures among some of his Christian friends, and so on, he decided to give up on God. He now considers himself an Atheist, at best an Agnostic. During our somewhat heated conversation, I found myself wanting to turn into my crazy spin instructor and yell, “Wake up, friend, before it’s too late! Don’t be a quitter! There are two kinds of people, those that are for God and those who are against Him.”

I attempted to motivate to repentance using logic, historical facts about Jesus, scientific evidence, current prophetic events in the news, theology, and finally to no avail, he must have seen the sad resignation on my face because he said, “I know you care but don’t.”

Brokenheartedly I replied, “I’ll keep caring. I even have your name written in my Bible next to a verse that made me think of you.”

That got his attention. “You have my name written in your Bible? I want to see it.” So, I opened up my Bible to show him his name and read him the following scripture:
For it is impossible to restore to repentance those who were once enlightened – those who have experienced the good things of heaven and shared in the Holy Spirit, who have tasted the goodness of the word of God and the power of the age to come – and who then turn away from God. It is impossible to bring such people to repentance again because they are nailing the Son of God to the cross again by rejecting him, holding him up to public shame. Hebrews 6:4-6 (NLT)
I believe the scripture got his attention because God was telling him, “My child, don’t you see by publicly rejecting my Son, you are rejecting my love for you. You are in danger of irrevocably hardening your heart towards me to that point that you will no longer feel My Spirit trying to draw you back to my love and salvation.”  For a brief moment, I saw a softening in my friend’s heart but then sadly witnessed the hardening when he said, “If I’m a lost cause then stop praying for me.”

At that moment, I had a choice. I could turn into the crazy spin instructor and bang my Bible over his head or I could choose love.

Before my friend left that day, I told him, “I want to leave you with just one thought. I will not stop praying for you because you may have given up on God but He has not given up on you. I’ll keep praying for you until you take your last breath or I take mine.”
Genuinely confused my friend asked, “Why?”
“Because God may save you for my sake. To honor my prayers.”
At least, he walked away smiling. Not angry. And I still have hope.

You see, recently in my weight-training class, I found myself motivated to push the limits of my endurance because a new instructor chose to motivate differently. She did not yell. She did not badger us. She brought us a healthy chocolate snack before class (I’m a sucker for sweets), she used words like “good job friends”, “you’re going to love how strong you feel”, she made us laugh through the pain, and at one point when I felt like quitting, she did push-ups next to me and gave me a fist pump afterwards.  That is the type of motivator I want to be.

So don’t give up on your friends who seem like lost causes. God keeps them in our lives for a reason. To motivate them back to His Son. Just don’t try to motivate them back to Jesus like my crazy-intense spin instructor. That just makes people run the other way. Choose to motivate by reminding them of God’s unconditional love. Speak words of encouragement. Give them sweet treats like remembering their birthday. When they feel like quitting, reach down into the pit and help pull them out. Write their names in your Bible. And most importantly, continue to pray for them and continue to believe in their salvation. Jesus told us, “All things are possible to him who believes.” (Mark 9:23)  So let’s keep believing even when our friends don’t. Until they take their last breath or we do.


So whether you’re my friend across town or a friend across the world, if you feel like giving up on God, the fact that you are reading this right now is proof that God loves you. You are not reading this by coincidence. There are no coincidences with God. He has made a divine appointment with you. He wants you to know that He is standing at the door to your heart knocking. If you let Him in, He promises His Holy Spirit will come dwell in your heart (Rev. 3:20). You will no longer be alone, God holds your hand (Psalm 73:23). He will be your Best Friend, Father, Savior, Healer, Protector, Defender, and Motivator (Isaiah 9). Nothing you have done or have thought of doing can separate you from God’s love (Romans 8:38-39).  Because if you acknowledge and confess with your lips that Jesus is Lord and in your heart believe (adhere to, trust in, and rely on the truth) that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved (Romans 10:9).


Friday, October 24, 2014

Offering of Praise

God, I want to bring an offering
To the alter of Your throne
But all I have and all I am
You already own

So let my writing
Be an offering of praise
Every letter formed by Your Word
Words strung together by Your Spirit
Into an inspired phrase

Pen the chapters of my life
Let my highs show Your goodness
Let my lows show Your mercy
Let my failures show Your grace
Let my victories show Your glory

And as the story reaches
It's final end
Let the reader see in me
A reflection of Your love
For all humanity

Written by Yolanda  

Through Him, therefore, let us constantly and at all times offer up to God a sacrifice of praise, which is the fruit of lips that thankfully acknowledge and confess and glorify His name [JESUS]. Hebrews 13:15 (AMP)

Trust God from the bottom of your heart; don’t try to figure out everything on your own. Listen for God’s voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; he’s the one who will keep you on track. Don’t assume that you know it all. Run to God! Run from evil! 
Your body will glow with health; your very bones will vibrate with life!
Honor God with everything you own; give him the first and the best.
Your barns will burst, your wine vats will brim over.
But don’t, dear friend, resent God’s discipline; don’t sulk under his loving correction. It’s the child he loves that God corrects; a father’s delight is behind all this. 
Proverbs 3:5-12 (MSG) 

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Teen Survival Guide

Well, it’s finally happened…
I was hoping to avoid it. Praying The Rapture would occur before this big day but no such luck.
My daughter has officially entered the teen years. The Big Thirteen.

Am I freaked out? Yes. But not for the reasons I originally dreaded.

This week, we discovered an old video recording of my daughter’s 3rd birthday party. While recording my daughter eating a hot dog, the hot dog fell out of the bun and onto the floor. She picked it up asking, “Mama, eat it?” My response, “Yeah, 5 second rule.”  As we’re watching the video, I’m busting up laughing and my daughter says, “Mom, that’s terrible! You haven’t changed a bit!”

That’s because my parenting philosophy is still pretty much guided by the “The 5 Second Rule”.  Before making important parenting decisions such as sleepovers, friendships, movies, books, extra-curricular activities, etc. I ask myself:
  • Are there any positive learning or teachable moments in this activity?
  • Does the good outweigh any potential for bad?
  • Does this activity take away from our faith or value system?
  • Does this contribute to shaping the person I want my daughter to become? And so on…
For example, this summer I was criticized by some well-meaning friends for allowing my daughter to read some girl-drama books. Seriously, I couldn't believe they were questioning my judgment on books while I was literally holding my YA vampire romance novel. Anyways, these teen books were not Christian based. They are similar to the 2004 movie, Mean Girls. My daughter begged for them. She promised to read all 16 books. So I asked myself the questions above, did my research online, and made my decision based on the fact that the good outweighed the bad.

You see, my daughter used to struggle with reading so she avoided it at all costs. I tried bribery, threats, tutoring, and wasted a lot of money on popular kid series books just to get her to pick up a book. I took a chance that maybe this would be the series that would ignite her love of reading. Well it did! She breezed through all 16 books, and ended up reading 25 books over the summer. So when my friends questioned me (somewhat harshly), “What are you trying to teach your daughter by letting her read these books?” My very prompt reply was, “To love reading!” Period. End of story.

You see as parents, we are going to have different “5-second rule” lines drawn in the sand. Some of us are going to say no to movies rated over PG. Others of us will be taking our daughters to see Divergent on opening weekend so that mom can write a blog post about it. What I've realized over the last 13 years is that you need to know why you’re drawing the line, whether that line is negotiable, and if it not then you have to be willing to lay down your life (metaphorically speaking) on that line. With my daughter in middle school, it seems that more and more I’m collapsing in prayer on that line.

In sixth grade, my daughter’s social studies curriculum focused on evolution and the age of the earth. I don’t have a problem with my daughter learning this material, but when that curriculum is taught by a self-professed atheist who puts doubts in her mind about the Bible well it’s time for mom to draw the line in the sand. I did not march on campus and demand that the subject matter be dropped. I did not tell my daughter, “Well that’s not what we believe so just don’t think about it.” I believe the best defense is a strong offense.

So my plan of attack - Organize a Summer Science Camp at my house, taught by a well-respected science teacher with 25 years of experience teaching science from a secular and Christian perspective.  Over 4 days, he showed the students that a Biblical account of Creation can be proven using modern scientific discoveries. Christian students can be shaken by the age of the earth question which in turn freaks out Christian parents. What many Christians don’t know is that the Bible allows for an interpretation of either an old earth view of Creation (millions of years old) or a young earth view of Creation (thousands of years old) without contradicting or misinterpreting the Book of Genesis.

Our main goal for the science camp was not to persuade them one way or another. Our goal was to prove that God is the Creator and scripture can support both sides. We do not have to fear science. We as Christians should embrace science because new scientific discoveries are pointing to the existence of God. Even Albert Einstein, a pretty smart dude, had to admit that the Universe had a beginning therefore it had to have a Beginner (GOD). I’m not a science scholar so if your interested in this stuff, check out the website Reason To Believe (

Young people raised in Christian homes are leaving the church and abandoning their faith because parents want to bury their heads in the sand. We must not bury our heads in the sand. We have to draw the line and defend it with every tool in our arsenal.

Now in 7th grade, part of her social studies curriculum is learning all about a religion that pretty much opposes mine. Funny how it has become law that this material is taught in school yet my religion freaks people out, offends, and inspires lawsuits. She's had to quote part of their religious text, draw pictures of their religious artifacts, analyze their prayers, and make a mini movie about their religious practices. Now ask yourself why is this curriculum OK for one religion but not for another? Good question.

So as my daughter has once again come home with questions.  Am I marching on campus and debating her teacher? No, because the teacher is just the messenger of this political agenda to rob my child of her faith. Am I ignoring my daughter’s questions hoping that the problem will just go away or that she’ll lose interest? Absolutely not! My daughter is very much like me. She’s a thinker. She wants answers and if she doesn't get them from me, she’ll get them from somebody else.

So what tools do I have in my arsenal? Knowledge. I believe we should all be informed about all kinds of religions so we can understand one another's points of view. Acquiring knowledge gives you wisdom. So,  I am doing my research and sharing that research. I am showing her online videos and reading her scripture. We talk about current events and how this all plays out in Bible prophesy.  At one point, while getting pretty passionate in my dissertation, she finally said, “OK, mom, I get it.” 

But this is just one victory in the war for my child’s soul.  Statistics show that children between the ages of 3-13 have a higher percentage of accepting Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior but that percentage is still only 32%. Between the ages of 14-18, the percentage goes down to 4%. The same data shows that we are losing children between the ages of 18 –24. They are completely stepping away from God. Why? Because the media, society, higher education, professors, and their peers are convincing them that God does not exist. Have you seen the movie, God’s Not Dead about what is happening on college campuses? If you haven’t, you should.

So now you see why my teen worries have changed from boys and hormones to soul survival.  Because at age 13, her salvation is not based on my beliefs but her own. She has to take ownership over her own faith. Thank the Lord that my daughter is absorbing the information, starting to see the reality that Jesus is coming back soon which has inspired a heart kindled with compassion her unsaved friends. She’s been inviting them to church and youth group. I’m very proud of her. But, as her mom, I still have to be very vigilant because the Enemy is out there waiting for an area of weakness to pop up.

So here are the tools and weapons that are in my Teen Survival Guide:
  1. Prayer. I lift her up in prayer daily. I will model prayer as much as possible. I’ll remind her to have her own prayer time and to go to God when problems arise.
  2. Bible. I read God’s Word consistently. It has become my survival guide. I will share God’s Word with my daughter. And I will encourage her to have her own Bible reading time.
  3. Praise music. Praise music is a powerful mood changer. My daughter loves music, as do most children this age, so I play praise music whenever possible. She knows the lyrics to almost every song!   
  4. Church. We will not neglect going to church. This is our family’s priority on Sunday. We will not let sports, extra curricular activities, or excessive weekend events become the priority in our life. Because if you don’t value church as an absolute in your own life, you cannot expect your kids to value it when they leave home.
  5. Youth Group. In Middle School, a church youth group is a must. Children of this age are very social and active. They respect their peers and people who speak their language. I have told my daughter that I have a theory about dating and marriage. There is an age of availability to meet a great guy, one who shares your values, faith, and loves the Lord. It’s before the age of 26. After 26, people have emotional baggage. Just look at the statistic above. At age 24, young people are abandoning their faith. So where do you find like-minded people, youth group. That means if I have to go out on weeknights to take her to Youth Group event when I really want to stay home, I’ll do it. As parents we must make the sacrifice of time, energy, and our own selfish desires for the sake of our children.
  6. Dating Rules. Be united as parents and talk about this early, way before you ever intend for them to date. My daughter knows our expectations. All potential suitors must be Believers in Jesus Christ. This is non-negotiable. No dating until age 18. Now this may be one of those areas that we negotiate in the future because questions like prom and school dances will arise. We shall see, I may get lucky and The Rapture will happen before then. 
  7. Lastly, put on your armor. Because teens are going to challenge you on step 1-6. They are going to call you “embarrassing” because you actually insist on meeting parents before you entrust them with your child. They are going to call you “strict” because they are not allowed to do all the things their friends do. They are going to question your faith and you had better have answers. And they are going to challenge your patience because they are learning to spread their wings. And lastly, they are going to point out your mistakes and that’s OK. Fess up. Remind them that God loves us in spite of our shortcomings and that parents are a work-in-process too.
In writing this very long post, I'm reminded that the love we feel for our children is a fraction of the love God feels for us. Jesus is in Heaven with arms outstretched saying, “Come to me. Trust me that I have your best interests at heart. Let me protect you from the evils of this world. Follow me because my ways are straight and secure. Don’t let the distractions of this world steal your heart from me.” How much Jesus must weep over us when we are lost and in rebellion. The scriptures say that The Good Shepard will leave 99 sheep to go rescue the one that wanders away. And when that lost sheep returns, he will rejoice along with all of Heaven (Luke 15:4-7). That is how much our Father in Heaven longs for all of us to believe in His son, Jesus – the Good Shepard, so that none of us will perish.

Because my parenting is based on the “5 second rule” it is far from perfect. I am doing my best to make sure she reaches adulthood without years of therapy. No parent is perfect. And for all my tools in my survival guide, I know that every child has free will and the decision to accept Jesus is their own. But we don’t have to parent blindly. We have a perfect God who gave us His instruction manual. God’s Word is powerful. It mends broken relationships, it inspires forgiveness and grace, it heals the sick, it changes hearts, and it even has the power to raise the dead. Don’t underestimate it. Let’s not leave the most valuable tool in our Survival Guide on the shelf of life. 

So as we celebrate my daughter’s 13th birthday, my wish for her is not worldly goods or accomplishments. My only wish is that she becomes a woman who chases after God’s own heart. I can already see God working in her life, developing her spiritual gifts. She’s a beautiful young lady, inside and out. She has a style all her own, with of love for all things vintage and classically elegant. She’s strong, independent and dances to a tune all her own. Her smile lights up a room and her laughter's infectious, LOUD but infections. So the best birthday gift I can hope for is one that I long for myself, a Crown of Righteousness bestowed one day by our Father in Heaven identifying us as Daughters of the King Most High. 

Dedicated to my daughter.

In the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who will judge the living and the dead, and in view of his appearing and his kingdom, I give you this charge:  Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage—with great patience and careful instruction.  For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear.  They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths. But you, keep your head in all situations, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, discharge all the duties of your ministry.For I am already being poured out like a drink offering, and the time for my departure is near. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day—and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing. 2 Timothy 4:1-8 (NIV)


Friday, September 19, 2014

Where's My Miracle?

Recently I had a little pity party because I expected something to go a certain way. My way... if I’m honest.
When it didn't, I called out (OK I whined) to God and pleaded for a sign. Everywhere I looked and everything I heard, I kept hoping was a sign from God.

I went to church that weekend still searching. Every song and message that came across was the same question, “Is Jesus enough? If you never get another blessing, is Jesus enough for you?” Instantly, I felt the need to ask for forgiveness from My Father in Heaven. And I responded, “You are enough!”

Well, because God is so good and He loves me in spite of my many pity parties, He gave me my sign a couple days later. And every day since, He has increased and magnified that sign until I no longer need it because my heart got the message. 

Here's a poem that came out of this experience:

Where’s My Miracle?

Lord, I need a miracle
Right now! Don’t you see?
Why can’t I see miracles?
Yet you expect me to believe?

I do not see your blessings
In my daily toil
All I see is problems, Lord
Yet you expect me to stay loyal?

Shouldn't I get rewarded, Lord
For all the good I do?
Where’s my prize, Lord
Yet you expect me to stay true?

From Heaven came My Father’s voice
Not in a roar like thunder
But in a gentle rain, asking
“You want to see My wonder?”

Then My Child
Open up your heart to ME
And you will see miracles
Beyond your wildest dreams

Your eyes are blinded by pain
That I did not bestow
My desire is to help
But you refuse to let pain go

Hand me your broken heart
And I will replace it with My own
Full of love and forgiveness
You don’t have to be alone

Take My Spirit within you
My peace and joy will abound
Your veil of darkness will be removed
You shall see My Glory all around

I spoke the universe into existence
I designed the earth for your presence
My moon is a marvel to modern science
But instead of My handiwork
You choose to see happenstance

My miracles towards you are endless
As countless as the sands of the sea
Gifts of compassion and provision
Yet you deny these gifts are from ME

It’s your choice
Stay blind or come and see
I will not force your hand
Nor command you to believe
MY love is freely given
It’s up to you to receive

Written by Yolanda

Isaiah 30:18 (AMP)

And therefore the Lord [earnestly] waits [expecting, looking, and longing] to be gracious to you; and therefore He lifts Himself up, that He may have mercy on you and show loving-kindness to you.

For the Lord is a God of justice.

Blessed (happy, fortunate, to be envied) are all those who [earnestly] wait for Him, who expect and look and long for Him [for His victory, His favor, His love, His peace, His joy, and His matchless, unbroken companionship]!

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

The Big Debate: Is God Mean?

Thank you to my cousin-in-law for cute picture of son.
Recently, I had the best theology debate.
Not with a Bible scholar.
Not with a die-hard atheist.
But with a very curious 3-year old.

The class was discussing the verse, “Jesus loves the children” (Mark 10:14). My co-teacher explained how God listens to the prayers of children because He loves them and is always close by. One student protested very strongly, “No, God is far away!” We tried to explain how God is all around us. He lives in our hearts and is even in the classroom. But our little friend kept arguing, insisting that God was not there. At one point, he even stood up on the carpet to make his point known. It was amazing to see such conviction from a 3-year old.

I calmly called him over. I got a piece of paper and waved it softly in front of him and said, “What do you feel?”
My very intelligent little guy said, “Wind.”
“You are right. Can you see the wind?”
So, I waved it again making him smile.
“Can you still feel it?”
“The wind is like God. We cannot see Him but we feel Him around us.”

Later, I asked him why he thought God was far away. He said because “Mean God” is far away. My response, “God is not mean. God is love. He loves you very much.”

My poor little guy looked skeptical and said, “When I’m bad, God is mad.”
Hmmm….now this internal struggle made sense.

I told my little guy, “God is not mad when we do bad. God is sad. But He never stops loving us. He doesn't want us to do bad things because it hurts us and that makes him sad. But we can pray for him to help us do good and he will help us. God loves you no matter what. And God is not far away, He is right here (and I pointed at his heart).”

My little guy smiled and said, “God loves me.”
“Yes. Always remember God loves you very much and He’s going to use you to share that Good News with many.”

How many times have we felt like this little guy?
That God is far away?
Or that “Mean God” is mad because we've messed up. Again.

While I was talking to The Lord about this post, my husband came to mind. When we get irritated, disappointed, or angry with one another, an invisible barrier is felt between us. Sometimes the hurt feelings prevent us from speaking to one another. Over the years, we have learned to break the ice with small text messages. My hubby is usually the first to send what I like to refer to as “mini love letters”. We end each message with, “Love you, XxOoXx”.  Even if our feelings don't match the text yet, we are speaking TRUTH to one another. The truth is we love each other and we are in this marriage until death do us part.

God reminded me that when we feel distant from Him, it is not God that has moved away but us. He is constant, never changing, the same yesterday, today and forever. (Hebrews 13:8)

We distance ourselves when we are distracted by the world or when we have sin in our lives that make us want to hide from God, just like Adam and Eve hid after they sinned. But just like God called to Adam and Eve after they sinned, so God is calling to us. (Genesis 3:8-9) He whispers to our spirits, “Reach for My love letter. Let it remind you how much I love you.” You see, the Bible is not just a survival guide for life but it is a treasured love letter to humanity.

Now follow the example of the correct teaching I gave you, and let the faith and love of Christ Jesus be your model.  You have been trusted with a wonderful treasure. Guard it with the help of the Holy Spirit, who lives within you. 2 Timothy 1:13-14 (CEV)

God’s is NOT mean. God is very NEAR to us.

God’s Words Are Powerful. Turn to the Lord! He can still be found. Call out to God! He is near.  Isaiah 55:6 (CEV)
 Jesus answered, If a person really loves Me, he will keep My word [obey My teaching]; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our home with him. John 14:23 (AMP)
This is how we know we’re living steadily and deeply in him, and he in us: He’s given us life from his life, from his very own Spirit. Also, we've seen for ourselves and continue to state openly that the Father sent his Son as Savior of the world. Everyone who confesses that Jesus is God’s Son participates continuously in an intimate relationship with God. We know it so well, we've embraced it heart and soul, this love that comes from God.
God is love. When we take up permanent residence in a life of love, we live in God and God lives in us. This way, love has the run of the house, becomes at home and mature in us, so that we’re free of worry on Judgment Day—our standing in the world is identical with Christ’s. There is no room in love for fear. Well-formed love banishes fear. Since fear is crippling, a fearful life—fear of death, fear of judgment—is one not yet fully formed in love. 
We, though, are going to love—love and be loved. First we were loved, now we love. He loved us first. 1 John 4:13-19 (MSG)

So if you feel like my little 3-year old friend, I pray you go outside. Lift your face towards Heaven. Feel the wind on your face and say, “God, even if I can’t see you, I believe in you. I trust you. Forgive me of anything in my life that has distanced me from You. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit. Let it rush through me like a mighty wind.  Come live in my heart and guide my life.  Thank you for giving me eternal life with You. In Jesus Name, Amen.”

Jesus said to him, “Because you have seen Me, Thomas, do you now believe (trust, have faith)? Blessed and happy and to be envied are those who have never seen Me and yet have believed and adhered to and trusted and relied on Me. John 20:29 (AMP)

Saturday, September 6, 2014

It's Time To Get Off Our Spiritual "Behinds"

There have been very few books that have literally changed me profoundly, strengthened my faith, and challenged me to get off my Spiritual “behind”.

Left Behind, by Tim LeHaye and Jerry Jenkins, was one of those books. When I first read it over 15 years ago, my immediate response was a desperate need to see my dad saved. This book brought the prophetic scriptures of Jesus’ return to life and helped me understand the reality of The Rapture of the Church. I had nightmares of my dad being left behind while the rest of our family got Raptured. 

You see, out of my immediate family, my dad was the only one not saved. He also did not speak English well and he has always had my wonderful mom to look out for him.  It scared me, to the very core of my being, to think of us being Raptured and my dad staying behind; alone at the mercy of the world during the Tribulation Period here on Earth. As a family, we got serious about getting my dad to church. Thankfully, at the age of 65, my father received Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior and I no longer have to worry about The Rapture. We will all be leaving this earth together when the Lord Jesus calls us home.

The only other book that has affected me as much is The Harbinger by Jonathan Cahn. This book has literally sparked a spiritual firecracker in my life. I believe this book is a prophetic message of warning, a call to repentance, and a reminder that God will have His day. God has declared that every knee will bow at the name of His Son, Jesus Christ (Philippians 2:9-11). Our knee will either bow willingly as a Knight bowing down in reverence to our King or it will bow heartbroken, crushed by the weight of despair and sadness that we have rejected so great a Savior.

The message of this book is a call to action for all Believers to get off our spiritual behinds while we still have a chance. Forget about being shy, fearful of offending, or feeling inadequate. It’s time to know what we believe and why we believe it. If you call yourself a Believer in Jesus Christ than you are His ambassador here on earth. Who do you love? Who do you want to spend eternity with? Who would literally break your heart if they die without Christ? 

For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God. (Romans 3:23)

For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. (Romans 6:23)

But to all who believed him and accepted him, he gave them the right to become children of God. (John 1:23)

There is salvation in no one else! God has given no other name under Heaven by which we must be saved. (Acts 4:12)

And this is what God has testified: He has given us eternal life, and this life is in his Son.  Whoever has the Son has life; whoever does not have God’s Son does not have life.  I have written this to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, so that you may know you have eternal life. (1 John 5:12-13)

But the time is coming—it has, in fact, come—when what you’re called will not matter and where you go to worship will not matter.

 “It’s who you are and the way you live that count before God. Your worship must engage your spirit in the pursuit of truth. That’s the kind of people the Father is out looking for: those who are simply and honestly themselves before him in their worship. God is sheer being itself—Spirit. Those who worship him must do it out of their very being, their spirits, their true selves, in adoration.”  (John 4:23)

So, what should we do first? PRAY! Pray for God to intervene in our loved one’s lives. Pray for wisdom. Pray for God to give us opportunities to share His Word. More importantly, pray that we are not only speakers of the Word but doers, reaching out to others in love, compassion, forgiveness, and mercy. Pray for boldness. Pray that the Holy Spirit goes before us, with us, and works through us. And then we must turn the results over to God.  We are not responsible for their salvation. We are called to share the Good News. It’s up to them to receive it.

Below is a video of the author, Jonathan Cahn, speaking at the Presidential Inaugural Prayer Breakfast in 2013.  Here is the link in case you can't view the video below. (Video of Jonathan Cahn at Inaugural Prayer Breakfast.)

I pray that you watch this video and your hearts are open to the Word of God. 


Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Do I Really Have to Go to Church?

Many people wonder, “Do I really have to go to church? Can’t I believe in God and just stay home and have 'home' church”? 

A friend once told me, “I don’t have to go to a church if I want to get close to God, I can go sit on a mountaintop and be close to God.”  The only problem is my friend never goes to a mountaintop. And how many people are really going to initiate "home church" with teenagers? I can't imagine that going over very well.

So, let me tell you why I think we have to be disciplined about our church attendance. Over the summer, I was very disciplined about going to the gym, mostly because I have a workout partner who does not let me slack off. I've lost a few pounds. I feel healthier. And I actually enjoy exercising with my friend. Well, unfortunately, my partner has to miss the gym for about 3 weeks and I've only gone ONCE without her. This morning, I should be at my spin class but I wimped out. It’s so early! And I’m so tired! Excuses, excuses...

Without accountability, I feel less motivated. Without someone to encourage me, I want to stay in bed. Without someone counting on me to get there early to save her spot, I just don't go.

You see, that is why we need to go to church. We need people. We need people to keep us accountable. We need people who will encourage us and better yet, we need people to encourage. We need to exercise our gifts of the Spirit or our gifts will get wimpy. We need to build our muscles of faith. We need the nourishment of God's Word from people who have studied it more than us. 

And just as a side note, I have actually met people who have stopped going to church because they have been “offended” by a pastor or the pastor falls into sin. HELLO, pastors are human and humans sin. You are not worshiping the pastor but JESUS. If a pastor falls into sin or you are offended and feel you cannot attend their church anymore, I totally understand. That has happened to all of us at some point in our Christian life. But don’t give up on God. God did not fail you. Man did. Go to another church. Don’t stop going to church all together with some nonsense about going to a mountaintop. I’m sure you have heard this before but let me remind you, no church is perfect because churches are made up of imperfect people. I’m imperfect and I attend, so you are going to be stuck with people like me. We serve a PERFECT GOD, He has called US His church, and we have a job to do. 

Some people have gotten out of the habit of meeting for worship, but we must not do that. We should keep on encouraging each other, especially since you know that the day of the Lord’s coming is getting closer. Hebrews 10:25 (CEV)

As the Day of the Lord approaches, it is going to get darker and darker in this world. We are going to need The Light that comes from the Holy Spirit's presence. The Holy Spirit dwells in every Believer. So let's not neglect going to church. Let's flood the place with His saving light. As the world darkens around us, people who are searching and lost will see our bright light and find their way home.

“Here’s another way to put it: You’re here to be light, bringing out the God-colors in the world. God is not a secret to be kept. We’re going public with this, as public as a city on a hill. If I make you light-bearers, you don’t think I’m going to hide you under a bucket, do you? I’m putting you on a light stand. Now that I've put you there on a hilltop, on a light stand—shine! Keep open house; be generous with your lives. By opening up to others, you’ll prompt people to open up with God, this generous Father in heaven. Matthew 5:14-16 (MSG)

So, since my workout partner will be reading this soon, I promise to go to the gym this evening. I need to go for my own well-being and health. But if I promise to go to the gym, will you promise me something? If you have been hurt by a previous church member or if you are waiting for a mountaintop experience, will you please give church another try?

Pray before you go. Ask God, “God, I want to draw close to you. I want to feel your Holy Spirit's presence. Direct me to a church where I will feel at peace and I will be fed from Your Word. And once I am there, give me the gifts of Your Holy Spirit (like teaching, hospitality, compassion, and healing) and put me to do Your work. Help me be a light to others. In Jesus Name, Amen."

May the God of Love fill your hearts with His Love,


Great new video from Jefferson Bethke, Darkness is Losing. Please listen and be encouraged.