Tuesday, December 31, 2024


As we enter 2025, we are all like Indiana Jones, in the Last Crusade movie, looking across the seemingly impossible ravine. It looks uncertain and scary, but we know we have a divine mission to reach the other side, not only for ourselves but for our family and friends.

When we see the impossible, God, The Father, is urging us from His throne saying, “My Child, you have to believe.”

The Holy Spirit whispers to our hearts, “Take a leap of faith.”

And as we take that first step, the bridge appears. What is the bridge? It is the Word of God. The more we study it, the more we connect the dots from Genesis to Revelation, the clearer the bridge becomes beneath our feet. 

This coming year, let's take that leap of faith, using the Word as a light unto our path. Let's make it to the other side, come what may.  And like Indie, who brought back the cup of healing water to revive his dad, let's give the weary among us God's Living Water to revive their souls. The enemy is trying to wear down the saints and we can't let him win. In 2025, take a leap of faith with me!

Psalm 119:105-112 THE MESSAGE 

By your words I can see where I’m going;
    they throw a beam of light on my dark path.
I’ve committed myself and I’ll never turn back
    from living by your righteous order.
Everything’s falling apart on me, God;
    put me together again with your Word.
Adorn me with your finest sayings, God;
    teach me your holy rules.
My life is as close as my own hands,
    but I don’t forget what you have revealed.
The wicked do their best to throw me off track,
    but I don’t swerve an inch from your course.
I inherited your book on living; it’s mine forever—
    what a gift! And how happy it makes me!
I concentrate on doing exactly what you say—
    I always have and always will.
Happy New Year!
God bless,

Wednesday, November 6, 2024

Redeem The Time

This morning, I feel like we have been given a gift, a reprieve from judgment. What is the purpose of the reprieve? I believe it is for harvesting the wheat. God has been doing a work in the last four years of separating the wheat from the tares. The tares have become pretty obvious. I believe that Jesus is saying, "Go and make the most of this reprieve to bring in the wheat harvest. Gather up more souls for His Kingdom." I woke up with a Bible verse running in my head like my marching orders. 

Ephesians 5:15-17 AMB

Therefore see that you walk carefully [living life with honor, purpose, and courage; shunning those who tolerate and enable evil], not as the unwise, but as the wise [sensible, intelligent, discerning people, making the VERY MOST of your time [on the earth, recognizing and taking advantage of each opportunity and using it with wisdom and diligence], because the days [are fille with] evil. Therefore, do not be foolish and thoughtless, but understand and firmly grasp what the will of the Lord is.

Let's get to work today! Let's roll up our sleeves for the harvest is great and the workers are few. Let's be found working when Jesus returns, investing our talents and redeeming the time. Because when the reprieve is up, and the trumpet of God is blown for us to go home and rest, we want to be found worthy to escape the grape harvest.

God bless,
